the shadow that I summoned | part two

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"A life?" Craig asked. His Finger began shaking by the thought that anybody had to die becouse of him. Tweek took a step back and lazily gestured with his Hand. "Yeah, I don't make the rules, ok. I only follow them...some more closely than others. Anyway, I already told you that you had me interested right away. So I won't let you go so easily." The blonde Said with a smug smile. "Wow, you are pretty clingy for someone I just met." Craig replied faster than He could stop himself. "You have no idea sweetheart. Even Satan keeps his nose out of my bussiness for He knows I know no limits when I want a soul." The demon braged. This was when Craig realised that this demon put on a Show. "You are quite a good actor. But you tend to be overly dramatic." This actualy cought Tweek off guard. The demon lost control of his role and dropped the act. "W-what? H-how did you...? N-no! I am a f-feared creature of nightmares....really..." The human broke a wall that the demon had Put up and found an insecure and vulnerable softy underneath the rubble. This is not someone who goes around and Bangs whoever crossed his path. Something about Tweek suddenly felt so familiar, so warm and loveable. Before He knew it Craig had closed the distance between them and embraced the demon in a firm hug. At first Tweek flinched but soon He relaxed and gave in to the affection. "W-why..." Tweek began but never finished his question. Instead He clawed at Craig's shirt. "Let's sit down and you explain...this mess. How did you get here? Why did you make such a Show?" Tweek began shivering but slowly let go of the human. There was no way out of it. The demon exposed his true nature. Where is the point in denying? So the blonde took a deep breath and started at his demonic beginnings.

5000 years ago, Tweek was a young man. He was healthy and very much alive. The blonde was engaged to the love of his life, a tall young man, who actualy looked quite similiar to Craig. Anyway, one night, Tweek snuck out of his house to meet his beloved. It was supposed to be a surprise. But on his way He was cornered by a man. The stranger got uncomfortabel close and Made his imoral intentions Very clear. Tweek resisted with all his strengh but He was no Match. The stranger pressed his torso to the ground and undressed the young man. Tweek paniced, his eyes flew around, hoping to find anything useful. He saw something reflecting moonlight. He grabed it and understood it was a shard. On pure survival instincts, He swung his arm and pierced his offender, who screamed in pain. Tweek took his Chance and fled. But his escape was cut short when the other guy managed to grab his arm. The next thing he remembers is a sharp pain in his stomach, his warm blood oozing out of his wound as the Rest of his body got colder. That's all, He died that night. Then He found himself in Limbo. His life was judged and he, A virgin, vegan minor, was sent to hell. Aparently as tweek took his last breath, the Bastard leaned over him and as He spoke, Tweek swung his arm and slid the throat of that sucker. That guy died just two feet away from him. For god it made No difference that Tweek defended himself. He took a life, it is a sin. That's the facts.
In hell He was Made a demon becouse Satan saw No reason to punish Tweek. Since then, when Tweek was summoned, He either bend the rules to take the soul without giving anything or He granted their wish. That depended on the Person.

"But then..." Tweek began. He looked up at Craig but emidiately looked away again. "Then you... and your friends... summoned me. What I said.... It's true. Y-you cought my eye and when you didn't say 'goodbye at the board, I was happy to stay. I Made you Trip.. so you would cut yourself and bleed on the board. With the blood as sacrifice, only you can see me. I...I don't know why I did that. Actualy, I don't want to take your soul. W-well ..." As Tweek went on with his rambling, Craig understood two things. First, this demon reminds him of stripe, the Guinea pig He used to own. He has a soft spot for those easily frightend creatures. Second, Tweek mentioned that Craig Kinda looks like his long gone lover. That might be the reason why the demon wants to be close to Craig. Tweek still loves that guy deeply. The blonde touched Craigs heart like No other ever had. Without another thought the taller pulled Tweek in their second hug. "W-what? C-Craig, why?" Craig started patting Tweeks wild locks which Made the demon Fall silent. "Shush. It's ok now. You had to Do that. You did what you had to Do. You did nothing wrong." That was it. These were the words the demon needed to hear so Bad. His doubts He had since his arrival in hell vanished. Something about Craig Made Tweek believe that the human spoke the absolute truth. Then the blonde broke down and cried in Craigs Arms. And Craig let him.

The next morning, Craig woke with the demon in his Arms on his bed. At some point the young man had fallen asleep. For a moment He let the whole Situation go through his head. This Situation seems like a weird dream. This crazy board, A real demon with a tragic backstory and this unearthly mixture of feelings. It's too much. He is just some guy in a boring ass town.

Craig Tucker is a guy you would find anywhere. He goes to school, parties some times, has a part time Job and loving family and friends. However, He has to face a highly unusual Problem.
Craig has a demon in his bed who He seems to fall in love with, fast and hard.


Yeah so, that's actualy it.
I could develope a big Story out of it, if people like this.
Let me know 😉

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