"Yeah, Wanda," he looks around, but no one else is here, "Wanda!" Not long after, a light brown-haired girl in a grey jacket appears next to Pietro.

"You're Wanda?" I ask.

"Yeah." She smiles awkwardly.

"Ok, well, it's so nice to meet both of you but I really need to go." I smile and continue walking to the fort.

"Where's he going?" Wanda asks her brother.

"The fort." He answers.

"Oh, hell to the no." She laughs and creeps up behind me. I begin to feel a strange light-headed sensation as she stands next to me.

"James Buchanan Barnes!" I yell out the window, "get your butt off the car!"

He looks up at me from the hood of the car and smirks as I roll my eyes and walk down to meet him.

"The hell are you doing?" I laugh.

"I was waiting for Steve but he hasn't turned up so," he ponders, "nothing I guess."

"You want to do something?" James asks.

"Drive across the bridge?"

"Yeah, sure." We get in the car and head up towards the Brooklyn Bridge. I watch the lights of the cinemas roll past the car, the happy couples strolling into the buildings.

"Is this the one time you're not wanting to stick around all 'doll dizzy?'" I laugh.

"'Doll dizzy?'" he rolls his eyes and laughs too, "that's a new one."

"Am I wrong though?"

"No." He sighs, dropping his sarcastic tone.


"Wait, hold on, what am I doing? No. I'm stronger than this!" I think to myself as I begin to pull away from the memory, but the sensation gets stronger, and the memory gets worse.


"Steve?" I ask cautiously, stepping into the bar.

"Erskine said the serum would prevent me from getting drunk," Steve answers, facing away from me, "did you know that?"

"It was my fault."

"What was your fault?" I whisper, as he looks up at me, tears in his eyes.

"No..." I gasp, realising what happened. James was gone. For good.

"I'm sure it wasn't your fault, Steve." I say after a few moments of silence.

"I couldn't save him."

"Steve," I take a breath before continuing, "I know how much he means to you, to both of us. He wouldn't have done it if he wasn't trying to protect you, Steve, and you know this."

"I'm going after Schmidt."


"I'm not going to stop until all of Hydra is dead or captured." He states, walking out of the bar and leaving me in silence.

"Goddamnit, Buck," I sigh, "you never could stop protecting him, could you?"


"Hey, it's Laurie." I say, taking the phone from Howard.

"Emerson, I'm sorry to say this but..." Dugan answers from the other end of the phone, "Steve died on the mission."


"He called into a watch tower before the line went dead."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"He's dead, Laurie. I'm sorry."

"Not him too..."


"James, please!" I shout, using what's left of my strength to push his hands away, tears forming in my eyes. He drops the knife next to me, but before I can even sigh from relief, he grabs a sedative injection and sticks it into my neck. The image of him blurs into darkness, my hearing disappearing not long after. My limp body shivers against the freezing concrete, before it's lifted over a muscular shoulder. The wind bites my bare skin as I'm carried through the outside and away from my team. I only make it a few meters away from the building before all of my senses are lost completely.


An hour or so later, I stand by the entrance to the base, watching Natalia get in the car for Ohio. She looks back at me before getting into the vehicle, and that's when it dawned on me - these kids weren't going on a vacation, they were being used for a mission. I run towards her, screaming her name as she jumps out the car and runs towards me. The two of us are caught by separate Agents, both of us with tears down our faces, Natalia kicking her legs in an attempt to break free.

"Natalia, no!" I scream, being held back at the shoulders by two Agents.

"Nesti!" Natalia screams back at me, doing everything she could to break free.

"Razvedchik!" Lipovsky yells, "stand down!" I give him an evil look before breaking away from the Agents and sprinting towards Natalia. She also breaks off and runs at me, throwing herself into a hug.


I hear a vague scream as I stumble to the ground, shaking with shallow breaths. Wanda stands with her head against her brother's chest as he looks at me with shock.

"What the hell did she just do to me?" I question, considering attacking them but realising that I'm too out of breath to do so.

"Reminded you of who you are," Pietro informs, "and freaking herself out in the process."

"That was... why did she...-"

"You're with Hydra." Wanda interrupts.

"I'm not with them," I respond, "well, I was until they left me for dead on a mission, which is apparently how I got here."

"Who are you anyway?" Wanda asks.

"Laurie Emerson," I reply, "wouldn't you know that from your... trick?"

"I don't find names, only memories."

"Just leave me alone," I sigh, about to walk back into town but Pietro jumps in front of me, "what?"

"You're new here, you need a guide, right?" He says.

"Well, I'm not planning on going elsewhere so I guess so."

"Cool," he smiles, "I know somewhere you can stay for the time being."

Brooklyn Boys|Marvel x Male OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن