Ch. 1 -Hello Earth-

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-19 vorns later-

"Slag slag slag!" Thunderstorm thought running through the forest. "I knew I should've listened to sire." Thunderstorm was being chased by two autobots that had mistaken him for his sire. "Stop! You're under arrest!" one of them shouted Thunderstorm suddenly tripped. He quickly turned over to find that he was face to face with a decepticon hunter. "Please don't hurt me!" Thunderstorm cried covering his face. "Wait Strongarm this isn't Steeljaw." one of the autobots said pointing to Thunderstorm "Your right Sideswipe Steeljaw doesn't have blue eyes or darker spots on his face." Strongarm said both took a closer look at Thunderstorm. Thunderstorm had his sire's build give or take a little less pointed but that thing that set the two apart was that he had sky-blue optics and freckles. From what he can remember his sire said that he got them from his carrier. "What's your name youngling?" Strongarm said kneeling down to Thunderstorm who uncovered his face getting a better look at the femme. "T-t-thunderstorm that's my name." Thunderstorm said getting up slowly debating if he should trust these autobots or not. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Thunderstorm." they both said, giving him a small smile. "We should get back to the junkyard you want to come to?" Sideswipe said looking at Thunderstorm "I wouldn't mind." he replied, transforming and drove off with the two. They drove for six to ten miles before Thunderstorm saw the entrance to a junkyard, they drove in. Transforming back, they were greeted by dinobot and two humans.

"Hey, Strongarm hey Sideswipe who's your new friend?" the younger human said waving to Thunderstorm who waved back with a friendly smile. "Grimlock, Ashley, and Rai meet Thunderstorm. We mistook him for Steeljaw." Strongarm chuckled, rubbing the back of her helm. "Where is Fixit, Drift and the brothers." Sideswipe asked, looking around for them. "They had to help with something on cybertron." Ashley said. "Wait, are your last names clay by any chance?" Thunderstorm asked the humans. "Yes, why?" Rai questioned, raising an eyebrow. "My sire said that he met two humans named Danny Clay and Russell Clay once." Thunderstorm said, making everybody look at him. "Russell is my great-great-great father!" Ashley shouted and everyone was shocked at this. Thunderstorm started to feel uncomfortable when Strongarm broke the silence. "Let's deal with this in the morning. In the meantime, you can stay in Bumblebee's old room." Thunderstorm noticed that she seemed to become sad when she said that. He followed her to Bumblebee's old room. Once Strongarm left, Thunderstorm opened the door and closed it. He slumped down against the door and started to cry softly. "You were right, sire I shouldn't have come here." he sobbed quietly. A small rustle caught his attention whipping away his tears he went to investigate only to get jumped by a minicon. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" the minicon snarled, pressing a paw onto Thunderstorm's chest. "My name is Thunderstorm." He said he was absolutely terrified. "The name's Ravage." Ravage growled at Thunderstorm who backed up a bit after Ravage got off him. "You're the minicon my sire told me about. He said my carrier saved a decepticon minicon in the war.

"Your Steeljaw's kid." Ravage said, sitting down. Thunderstorm nodded, smiling at Ravage. "Wow you look just like him." Ravage sighed with a small smile. "Yeah, but I have my carrier's optics and his freckles." Thunderstorm touched his face, frowning. "Why the long face kido?" Ravage asked, tilting his head "Well my sire never told me anything about my carrier let alone earth," he sighed "You knew my carrier right can you tell me what he was like?" Ravage thought for a second before responding. "Well, your carrier was a very kind mech who didn't care about what faction you were from." Ravage explained Thunderstorm listened to every word he spoke. "Wow, my carrier was a hero." Thunderstorm breathed, imaging his carrier in the great war. "He sure was." Ravage whispered looking down at his paws. "You know your carrier was the only one who found me and repaired me. The decepticons left me for dead." Ravage sampled his paw in anger. Thunderstorm felt bad for Ravage and gave him a big hug. "Ok kido you should get to bed." Ravage chuckled, wriggling out of Thunderstorm's hug. Thunderstorm agreed that it was late, so he laid down on the berth. Ravage jumped up and curled up next to him. Thunderstorm wondered what his carrier looked like before slipping into a deep recharge.

He opened his optics expecting to see the ceiling, but he was met with the sky. Sitting up he took in his surroundings. Thunderstorm found himself in some sort of forest from the looks of it. A flash of light caught his attention, quickly getting up he moved towards the source of the light. What he found shocked him "You're a Will-o-Wisp!" he breathed looking at the creature with fascination. The wisp was a beautiful sapphire blue with small wisps of white here and there. "My sire told me stories about your kind." Thunderstorm knelt down to the will-o-wisp, but it vanished reappearing a bit farther ahead. He followed the will-o-wisp through the forest wondering where it was taking him. Thunderstorm covered his optic when they came into a clearing once his optics had adjusted, he found that the clearing was actually a meadow. "Why did you bring me here?" he looked to the will-o-wisp who seemed to be pointing to something. Following where the will-o-wisp was pointing to he could see a boulder. Quickly looking back, he didn't see the will-o-wisp. "Ok I guess I'll go to the rock." he huffed and jogged over to the boulder only to wake up. "Oh, come on." Thunderstorm groaned covering his face. With a sigh he got up thinking about what the will-o-wisp was trying to show him. "Morning kido." "Morning Ravage." he yawned, stretching before a photo caught his optic. Moving over to the table he picked up the dusty photo. Thunderstorm coughed when he blew the dust off and found a picture of a mech and a small orange youngling. "Hey Ravage, who is the youngling in this picture?" Thunderstorm looked to Ravage who was taking a nap. "Oh, that's Wedge Bumblebee's apprentice." Thunderstorm put the photo back on the table before herding his name being called.

"I have to go see you tonight, Ravage." Thunderstorm quickly made his way outside, finding Rai but he didn't see the others. "Hey Stormie." "Hey Rai, where are the others?" He asked, looking around. "They're out on petrol and my mom is with them," Rai rolled her eyes "They've been trying to find a criminal that's been on the loose for around one thousand five hundred and fifty-seven years now." Thunderstorm nodded "That's nineteen vorns if I remember correctly." He had just turned nineteen a few weeks ago and his sire promised that when he turned nineteen, he would finally take him to earth. "Which he didn't." Thunderstorm was angry that his sire had broken his promise, so he went anyway but now he was having second thoughts. "So Stormie, do you have any hobbies?" Thunderstorm hesitated. "Well, I like reading and photography." pulling out the camera he had brought with him. "I know a great place to take pictures!" Rai squealed excitedly "Well let's go hop in!" Thunderstorm transformed and Rai hoped in. They drove out of the junkyard with Rai giving Thunderstorm directions to the spot. Once they got to the spot Thunderstorm was in shock. It was the same place in his dream, but the boulder wasn't there. "Wow you were right, Rai this place is cool." Thunderstorm transformed back standing in the meadow in wonderment. "Yeah, when I first found this place, I was following some sort of small animal when I stumbled right into this place like it wanted me to find it." Rai laughed, Thunderstorm chuckled thinking that was a silly thought.

Thunderstorm suddenly got a chill feeling like someone was watching him. But he pushed it to the back of his processor and began to take pictures while Rai sat down on the ground. Thunderstorm took a picture near a small hill and came up with a ghostly figure. "Hey Rai?" "Yeah Stormie?" Rai walked over to Thunderstorm, and he showed her the photo. "Odd." she looked as confused as Thunderstorm was. "Maybe it's a lost spark?" "What the hell is a lost spark?" Thunderstorm sighed explaining what a lost spark was to her.

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