Take Me Home, Country Roads

Start from the beginning

" Get a room you two. " Clint groaned. " I was just about to clear Kate's name off the suit, until you decided to crash through the skylight. I facepalmed. " Oh. " Kate acknowledged. " Yeah. " Clint deadpanned. We jerked our heads when a Tracksuit kicked a chair and spoke angrily in polish. " Bro! Calmete, bro. Calmete. " Another one said. " You good? " Kate asked. The Tracksuit grunt looked to his friends before stepping to Kate's right as the ride shut down. " I buy Imagine Dragons tickets for my girlfriend, as like, early Christmas gift, right? " He started. " That's so sweet. " Kate comforted. " Good, sweet. Then we had fight. You know what she said? She said that the tickets were gift, so she wants to bring her sister. " The Tracksuit explained. " Buying Imagine Dragon tickets was your first mistake. " I said. Kate held back laughter and turned to me. " Stop making me like you. " She said.

" Do you really want me to? " I countered. Kate rolled her eyes and looked back at the Tracksuit. " I mean, look on the bright side. You don't have to go see Imagine Dragons. " Kate reasoned. " I love Imagine Dragons. " He stated. " Uh, she doesn't even like them, you know. She did this on purpose to hurt me. " Imagine liking Imagine Dragons, ha. " Look, I think you both owe apologies. Tell her she hurt your feelings, but apologize for pretending that was a gift for her. " Kate recommended. " Okay, wait, I need a pen. Just... Okay, okay? See you. " The Tracksuit said frantically before walking away. " Hmm. See? A little trust, a little communicating, a little listening... " Kate said to Clint.

He woke up from his mini nap and turned to Kate. " What? " He asked. " Basic human stuff. You know what I think? " Kate asked. " You know what I think? Hmm? " The big Tracksuit butted in. " I think you talk too much. Blah, blah, blah, blah. She always like this. " Both me and Clint nodded. " Maybe I rip out your throat. Hmm? " The big one threatened. " No can do, pal. I need them both alive. " I said sternly.

The big guy was about to say something when a door opened. He chuckled. " Or maybe she will. " A young woman and another Tracksuit came down the stairs. " Who is she? " Kate asked. " No clue. " I answered. " The woman stepped in front of Clint and cut the duct tape binding his hands and started signing to him. " Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry. Hard of hearing, not deaf. " Clint said and signed. The woman signed some more which Clint didn't seem to understand. " She asked what are you doing here, Clint Barton. " I translated. She and the guy at her side turned to me. " You know sign? " She asked. " CIA taught me many things. " I signed back. " HomeRun, nice to meet you. " She shook my hand. " Maya. I knew who you were when one of my guys told Kazi that code. My boss spoke highly of you, welcome back. I nodded respectfully. " It's great to be back. I said. " More cookie, please. Thank you. " Clint signed. Oh geez. Maya motioned Kazi to put the tape back on Clint. " Riding a unicorn. " He answered the woman's question. " Learning about trust. " Kate chirped.

" You rely too much on technology. " Maya signed. " Well, my go-to weapon is two sticks and a string, so... " Kate argued. " No, she means your hearing aid. You might find you're better off without it. " Kazi translated. " Ah. Sometimes I think the same thing. " He agreed, looking at Kate. " Now the suit. She put it on by accident. She didn't know what it means. She's not Ronin. " Kazi continued to translate for Clint. " Look at her. She's nine. And spoiled rotten. " He said. " She's 22, actually. " I clarified. " Nice archery fit, you look great in purple. " Kate looked up at me and smiled.

" Thanks, you too in green. " She said quietly. " She beat up a few of my guys and then came running when you were in trouble. Seems like she got something to do with it. And just because she's not the Ronin doesn't mean that Ronin's not back. " Maya signed. " If you're gonna grill her assault then shouldn't I be in trouble for putting them in the hospital? " I signed in defense of Kate. " You were doing a job. Can't say the same for her. " Maya signed. " That's just a rumor. " Clint said. " How do you know? " Kazi translated. " Because he's dead. " Clint replied. " Are you fucking kidding? " I asked angrily. " You were gonna give me the suit so I'd go on some wild goose chase! You could've just told me that and I would've been out of your hair! " Clint remained unphased. " I'm sorry for not trusting an assassin. " He apologized sarcastically. " You're lucky there's no bounty on your head. " I threatened.

Kazi translated what I said to Maya. " So, who got him, then? " Kazi translated. " Black Widow. " He answered. Whoever ran the Red Room made sure no bounties were placed on Natasha becuase they wanted her themselves. " So Ronin is dead, and the person who killed him is dead. That's convenient. How do you know this? " Kazi translated. " Cause I was there. " Clint answered. " You're lying. " Maya claimed. " Okay, clearly this isn't working. Um... " Kazi said as he stepped to face Kate. " If you have nothing to do with this, then why did you put on this suit in the first place? " He asked Kate. As Kate struggled to answer, I resisted the urge to answer for her. To tell Maya how I was at the auction with her. I couldn't bear the thought of losing what we had, even it was a double life lie. Maya was clearly unsatisfied with her answer and started choking Kate. " Maya, no. " Kazi tried to intervene. " She's innocent! I've been with her and Clint for days and I can assure you she's clean. " I signed rapidly. Maya continued to choke Kate, ignoring us both.

I turned around, unable to watch. Kate I'm sorry, so sorry. " Oh, god. I put that suit on because I didn't want anybody to know that I was at the auction, okay? I didn't know what it was when I put it on, I swear. " Kate gasped. Kazi grabbed Maya and pulled her back. " What are you doing? " He signed. I turned around and faced Kate. " Are you alright? " I asked, holding back from touching her. " Yeah, Why didn't you stop them? " She asked emotionally. " You don't think I wanted to? Hold one, please. " I reasoned. " Listen. No, now's not the time to be scared. " Clint said. We're gonna get out of this. You go back to living your life, I'll go back to my family. You're gonna harness that overconfidence of yours, okay? This ridiculous overconfidence, you remember that one? " Clint encouraged. " Okay? So wait for my signal. " What signal?

" Clint wait- " I said before Clint broke out his tape bindings and ran into the aisles. " Go help Maya, all right! " Kazi ordered as they joined her in the chase. " Aren't you gonna help? " Kazi asked. " Not unless I'm being paid to. " I answered. Gunshots rang out. " Don't shoot! They want him alive, you idiot! " Kazi shouted. I looked to see Kate leaning down and biting the tape. I stepped backward and ejected one of my wrist blades and rested it on the pony. Kate realized my plan and quickly began cutting through. When she was halfway done, I retracted my blade and took my crossbow off my shoulder, loading it and pointing it at Kate's face. " Can't have you getting away, now can we? " I mocked. " You're not going anywhere. " Kazi threatened and pointed his pistol at Kate.

He kept his gun pointed at her but turned his head to watch Clint and Maya battle it out. Clint got the upper hand and pushed Maya away, shooting two arrows and pinning Maya to the wall by her hood. He then jumped off the railing and fired an arrow mid-air in our direction. I quickly dodged even though it wasn't aimed for me. It grazed Kazi's ear and cut through the rest of Kate's bindings. Clint landed in a ball pit. Kate got free and took down Kazi, elbowing him in the face before getting back up. I simply stepped back and watched as Kate and Clint beat through any Tracksuit that got in their way, humming Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver while they battled it out. Kate rammed a shopping cart into Kazi before tripping another who fell into it.

She pushed the cart away and slid down to the ground, using a pillar to gain momentum and hit Kazi off his feet. He got up and charged Kate. She ducked in time for Clint to hit him with his bow. " I was doing fine. " Kate said. The pair turned to me when I started clapping, " That was awesome, Kate! You two make a good team. " I congratulated. Clint aimed his bow on me. " Hey hey, Neutral party! Neutral party! " I shouted with my arms raised.

" Come on, we gotta go. " Clint said after lowering his bow. Kate followed but hesitiated. She turned around and faced me. " I thought there was more to you than money. " Kate said disappointingly. " There is. I'll see you around, Kate. " I said sofly. We locked eyes for a moment before Kate broke off and ran to catch up with Clint. I felt the hope she had for me die out in her eyes. " But that girl still has my bow. " Kate said. Maya pried the arrows out her hood than helped Kazi up. The rest of the Tracksuits started recovering as well. " You didn't do anything! " Maya signed angrily. " Wasn't paid to. " I signed back. " One hundred thousand if you bring back Clint, alive. Forget the girl. " She dealed. A smug grin crept onto my face, remaining hidden by the neck gaiter.

" Deal. "

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