three boys, two demons and a little girl ||

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I blacked out but I was still conscious. I wasn't in control of my own body. I turned to my colleague and we walked downstairs to see three boys.

"I don't know what your babysitters done to herself, but I like it." The tall brunette says. I notice the blonde staring at me. "Sarah" saw some thing on the counter and ran towards it. It was cake and she started eating it. The boys tried stoping her but she ate it anyway. "Sarah" went into the other room. The two brunettes followed her. I pushed past the blonde and started looking in drawers... where I found a knife.

"Dria... no." the blonde on says. I smiled and tilted my head. "What is it with you and knives?" He ran to me really fast and took the knife from me. I glared at him and he made a scared face. "Oh no." the boy deadpanned and ran into the room with the others. So I followed.

"Ok, thats it. This party is over. I command you to return to the board and go back to wherever you came from." The middle one speaks. I glared at him and floated in the air along with "Sarah".

"Big mistake." The tallest one squeaked out. after he said that we both quickly floated upstairs. I stepped into the room where the little girl is and pretend to be the girl who's body I am now taking over.

"Janie something going on downstairs lets go in your brothers room." I smiled and when I put her in the room I closed the door and she immediately screamed when she saw the other girl. She tried to run back but she saw me. "Sarah" and I cornered the girl.

"What's going on?!" Jane screeched. The boys busted the door open and the middle one starts to scream at us again.

"Ok, we're not leaving until you give me my sister back." "Sarah" and I looked at each other and I turned my palms out and shot ectoplasm at them. The screamed and closed the door. Whilst the little girl was in the closet we started looking around the boys boring room. "Sarah" and I started to throw stuff out the window. The boys started to scream up at us. I then see the computer and start doing random things. After we get the boys riled up we started writing on the walls.

"Hey, I like what you've done with the place." The middle boy spoke again. "Those are some kind of demonic symbols."

"Is it still wrong to think she's hot?" The tall on says. I whipped around. "D-ahh. Not you the other one." He whimpered.

"Dudes you can have Sarah, but Dria's all mine." The blonde one smiled. I glared at them then went back to writing. The other two kept arguing while the middle one threatened us.

"You're gonna give me back my sister and get in that board, or else?"

"Or else?" "Sarah" tilted her head as we stopped writing and turned back to them.

"Or else, we're gonna take care of this Whitechapel style." He continued.

"Yeah, you tell them." The blonde nodded.

"Alright, hot or not, and not Lex, lets waste these demons." The tall one cheered.

"Yeah, pull it." The blonde spoke once more. Then there was this machine and we felt this pulling sensation. We kept resisting but the force was too much and we fell to the ground. When I hit my head and came out of the trance I looked around confused.

"Why are we in Ethans room?" I questioned. Rory ran over to me and helped me up.

"What happened?" Sarah asked as Ethan did the same.

"It was Rory's fault." Both my brother and Ethan spoke.

"It was my fault." He lowered his head.

"Ok so we can talk about this now or we can help fix up the house before my parents get home." Ethan said. We all nodded and went downstairs.

"Oh... wow. Shoot Eth I'm really sorry." I apologized.

"Yeah me too. And sorry Jane." Sarah added.

"It wasn't your guys' fault." Ethan placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Its ok." She shrugged.

"Guys I'm gonna go put Jane to bed. Ill be right down." Sarah told us and Jane followed her back up the steps.

"Night, Jane." We all called up.

"So lets get started." I smiled. The boys did the small stuff while I used my magic to fix the bigger stuff. I even remade the cake using my magic. "Ethan!" I called to him. "Here." I waved my hand over the trophy then handed it to the boy.
"Thank you! Now my dad won't kill me." Ethan smiled.

"Speaking of him, your parents just pulled up." Sarah warned. Ethan quickly placed the trophy where it belonged and we all ran to the couches and acted natural.

"Hey, mom. Hey, dad." Ethan greeted his parents.

"Hey." Mr. Morgan responded.

"How was the Senior Prom?" I asked.

"Well it was a little slower than I remember." Mrs. Morgan spoke.

"Where's Grandma?" Benny questioned.

"The captain of the lawn blowing team took her to the Pancake Palace for the midnight buffet." Mr. Morgan rubbed his eyes in tiredness.

"Whoa. Go grandma."I laughed.

"Yeah, I don't know where she gets her energy. I'm going to bed." the older man continued.

"Ill be right up." Ethan said to him.

"Oh!" Mr. Morgan stopped. "Son, I understand you're the new president of the Whitechapel Justin Bieber fan club." I snorted as Benny, Rory, and Sarah chuckled.

"What?" Ethans eyes widened.

"Rorys parents were working the desert table, they showed us your status update. Are you sure you wanna sign up for figure skating?" Mr. Morgan explained.

"Ok, dad, thanks. Nothing to worry about." Ethan pushed him up the stairs.

"Ok. Good night." The man nodded and waved good night to the rest of us. Once he was upstairs Ethan turned to us.

"Justin Bieber? Figure skating? Really?"

"It wasn't us." Sarah reminded him.

"Remember?" I added.

"Right?" Ethan nodded. "So you guys wanna try the tv again?"


"Oh you got any snacks?"

"Rory you're a vampire you don't need to eat." Benny groaned.

"Yeah but I'm a stress eater."

Authors note!!!

two chapters left ugh!!!!!!!

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