Ch. 1

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"Harry! You can't force me to do this!" Fear practically consumed me and it was highly evident through my voice.

"C'mon Zayn! Eventually you're going to have to get through this, and it's nothing to be embarrassed about, everyone has a phobia, yours just happens to be heights. What's it called again?" He pondred.

"Altophobia." I instantly responded. It was—scratch that, still is attached to me and will forever be for the rest of my life.

"Oh right. Now please Zayn!" He attempted to persuade me yet again, but once again as stubborn as I was I would not give in.

"Okay, I guess you're right." I was basically tricking him, he can be so gullible at times.

"Really?! I knew you'd give in at som—" I cut him off before he could finish what he was saying and in my mind I so badly wanted to sneak behind him and slap his forehead with my palm and utter the words "You should have had a V8"; "Uh, nope, never going to happen!"

"Dammit Zayn! You should! It's just skydiving." And this is how he wants to convince me, yep not working buddy.

"Exactly! That's what!" I attempt to reason with Harry.

"What's what?" He states with a confused face followed along with his left index finger scratching his scalp as if that would help him.

"Did you not hear what you just said?" I attempt to clarify as little as possible.

"Skydiving. It's just skydiving Zayn." He finally catches on, but not entirely.

"That word alone, me having to jump off from an aircraft is what scares me hence my phobia of heights Harry!" I further explain myself.

"That's why I'm doing this Zayn, for your benefit because at the end of the day it's going to help you... Hopefully." He quickly mutters the last word quietly thinking I probably  wouldn't catch on to what he just said.

"Oh come on Harry!"


"You certainly know what?!

"No I don't."

"HOPEFULLY!?" I bellow the word, a bit angry that he wanted me to go skydiving to help me get rid of my phobia, but he wasn't quite sure it would actually work.

He basically averts meeting my eyes, probably catching on to my anger slowly rising.

"Niall gave me the information okay." He finally spoke after a couple of minutes.

"Woah... Woah ... Woah!? What does Niall have to do with any of this?" Now I was the one that was confused.

"Did I not mention that Niall goes skydiving and is a skydiving instructor?"

"No! You definitely haven't! And I thought Niall worked for a corporation?"

"He does. He does the whole skydiving shebang on the weekends when he doesn't have to work, especially because he finds it fun and thrilling." He smiles talking about Niall.

"Well of course, he isn't scared of heights unlike me—wait— is this really about you wanting to help me with my phobia or is it because you want to see Niall?" As soon as I saw the smile I knew, but wasn't sure if I should bring it up, but I quickly did at the end.

Harry begins to blush and stutters through his words. "Pssh! H-ha! N-n-ooo! What m-m-makes you t-think that-t?!" Oh yeah he definitely has the lovebug for Niall, maybe not love, but  he was definitely infatuated.

"Uh-huh." I simply stated.

"We'll talk about this later, I have to go to work." He got lucky for now. His reaction changed once he heard the words escape my mouth, relief washed over his face, but there was a hint on his face that he knew just like me that the conversation was not over yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2015 ⏰

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