She smiled and put her phone in her pocket but not even five minutes later, she felt it buzz.

From: SOLARIS- You are what I want but it's not just a sex with me. Yes; it was absolutely amazing and you're amazing and wow! But you as a person are so much more than that. I'm so in love with all of you! Even that cute little mole on the top of your head! I honestly get all giddy just thinking about you! My friends are mocking me right now because I have this huge smile on my face just because you actually texted me.

To: SOLARIS- You were surprised that I texted you?

From: SOLARIS- Yes! I convinced myself that you wanted nothing more to do with me because of how creepy I was weird. But you did! So thank you babe.

To: SOLARIS- I so. I want you in my life, whatever it's through text and messages or whatever. I want you. I like you.. And yikes you made me all mushy when you call me that❤

Minju arrived at the table her friends were sitting on, noticing the huge smile Yujin was sporting.

"What's with that big smile?" She asked curiously.

"Yujin here is all loved up tex-ouch!"

Minju was beyond confused, had Yujin just kicked Wonyoung under the table? "You alright?"

"Yeah," Wonyoung faked a smile, "Yujin's just happy that Hot Blonde asked her out," She finished with a slight growl and furrowed eyebrows.


Yujin caught Minju's millisecond look of jealousy and wondered whether she'd imagine it. She hadn't. Minju was jealous. But why?

She made sure to put her phone vibrate and put it back inside her jeans pocket. "Okay girls, so! I was wondering - what do you say when we go to Hailee's party?" Yena shot out incredibly excitedly, as always.

"The masquerade one?" Yuri asked. Yena nodded with a smile and the rest of the girls joined in.

"Hell yeah!" Minju said.

Yujin thought about it and looked at Minju. She put on a very dubious secret smirk and very quickly hid it. Denying the invite. "I'm sorry guys," She faked sadness, "I can't. My parents are making me babysit my siblings."

"Your siblings are 15 and 17..." Yuri replied.

"Tell that to my parents."

Minju pouted but no one said anything else. They would just have to go without the green eyed girl.

As they made their way to their respective classes, Yujin felt her phone vibrating.

From: ❤❤- Hey, I'm not sure if you've heard about it but there's a masquerade party sometime next week and I was wondering if you wanted to go... I know it's a bit of a long shot but I just guessed that since it's a masquerade you won't actually have to show your face?

She smiled and let out a chuckle. I knew you wouldn't let me down baby girl, she thought to herself before replying.

To: ❤❤- I'm not sure, I'll definitely think about it, I would love to kiss you again that's for sure!

Minju smiled, reading her text message. She put it away and got on with her school day, not wanting to get distracted for now.


"Min come on, this one is perfect!" Wonyoung yelled, frustrated with her friend. They had been shopping for the past three hours and she just wanted to get junk food but Minju wouldn't let her unless they found the perfect one.

"No, the neckline is too uncomfortable and it's not dancing-able, I would fall flat on my face so fast!" She said,

"Min, you're bound to fall flat on your face nevertheless, so just pick one!" Wonyoung begged.

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