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Devon p.o.v
I was chillin with Kai and Mari

Kai; ay I heard Izzy dead

Mari: say what

Kai: look it's on Instagram

They started to look at me

Me: what

Mari: did you have something to do with this

Should I tell them or should I not

Kai: dev don't lie to me bro

Me: umm uh

Mari: oh my god you killed him

Me: no I didn't I went with Dave and Dave did it

Kai; wait you was hanging with Dave ass

Me: yeah why

Kai: when did y'all become buddy buddy

Mari: yeah when did this happen

Me: some weeks ago I guess

Mari: this shit is crazy

Me: only thing I'm happy about is that I don't gotta watch my back

Kai: good cause all that shit was crazy

Me: mhm

I went back texting Skyla
End p.o.v
This book will be ending soon

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