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Skyla p.o.v
I got out the car and went straight to the backyard where Dave and beast was at

Beast: hey sky

Me: hi

Beast: why you sound like that

Me: i don't know maybe because of Izzy

Beast; what did his ass do-

Dave: I got this beast

I followed my uncle Dave in the house

Dave: what happened now

Me: he tried to attack me and my girls..you know what I don't like him around

Dave: unfortunately you gonna have to marry him

Me: I'm not..that's stupid why can't I run the business

Dave: I thought you wanted to go to college

Me: I do- you know what forget..tell that nigga to leave me alone

Dave: or what

Me: oh my god I am your flesh and blood- what if he kills me

Dave: that would never happen

Beast: Dave you don't know that something is wrong with that nigga

Dave slammed his cup on the counter causing me to jump

Dave; fine I'll go talk to him

Me: thank you
End p.o.v

Dave p.o.v
I pulled up on Izzy at the gas station

Me; Izzy are you dumb

I choked him up from behind

Izzy: what did I do

Me: why would you try to attack yo meal ticket

I pushed him to the ground

Izzy: maybe if you raised yo niece right I wouldn't have to do shit my way

I punched him dead in his mouth

Me: don't tell me how to raise her

He started laughing

Izzy: both of y'all my meal tickets out..don't forget I can snitch on you and all this will be over

I ignored him and ran back to my car

Me: fucck
End p.o.v

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