
309 6 1

Izzy p.o.v
I can't wait for Dave or beast I gotta do this shit myself

Me: ay Devon

I pulled up on him at the back of the school

Skyla: leave him alone

Me: stay out of this

I pushed her out my way and pulled my gun out

Devon: not you again

He turned around and he had his gun out

Skyla: Devon and Izzy please don't do this

Devon: sky get out of here.. go get

Me; yeah listen to yo lil boyfriend bitch

Devon: she's not a a bitch beefing with a kid

I shot a his foot causing him to jump and drop his gun

Me: aww the little boy is scared

I put my gun to his head

Devon: do it do it kill me izzy

I was about to pull the trigger when I felt a pain in my shoulder

Me: fuck

Skyla was standing over me with his gun..this bitch shot me

Devon: Skyla I thought you left

Skyla: come on Devon

Me: you shot me you lil bitch

She shot me again in my leg and ran off
End p.o.v

Skyla p.o.v
My heart was racing what did I just do oh my god

Chanel: calm down

Me: I shot him I shot Izzy

Mari past me a blunt

Mari: just chill I'm sure yo uncle will understand

Ky: so is he dead

Janelle; ky why would you ask that

Me: no Izzy isn't dead and I think my uncle gonna be mad

I'm soo scared to go home

Devon: I don't think he will

Me; why you say that

Devon; I told beast..beast said he will talk to him

Me: that's not gonna help

I think I did the right thing or maybe I didnt
End p.o.v

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