"We're the most important things in her life, right?" Ethan worried.

10:35 a.m.

Our teacher decide to just walk out so Ethan called Sarah while I texted Rory.

Me: Hey Rory.

Rory: Hey Gorgeous. Aren't you in class?

Me: Yeah but Mr. Goode left the room mumbling.

Rory: Oh weird. I heard some noises coming from teachers lounge. Wanna help me later?

Me: sure, Ror. See you later.

Rory: See you, Gorgeous.

8:02 p.m.

"This thing isn't gonna last much longer. Maybe we should call Rory?" Ethan suggested.

"Ill text him." I pulled out my phone.

"Hold on, are we really that desperate?" Benny asked.

"Im texting him." I gritted my teeth at my brother.

"Well, he did say he wanted to protect the innocent." Ethan backed me us.

11:23 a.m.

"There goes the French teacher, Mrs. Lafleur." Ethan points out as she walks by. She had dark circles under her eyes and her hair was a mess.

"She is not looking too good either." I said.

"Yeah well she's a teacher so who "la-heck" cares." Benny joked.

"Oh thank gosh those spells aren't in French." I sighed.

"Why would they-" Benny started.

"Greetings, mortals. Gorgeous." Rory jumps in front of us.

"Hi Rory." I waved.

"You look stranger than usual." Ethan questioned. I slapped his arm.

"Very perceptive, mortal. Of course, you are among the few who know my real secret identity." He pulls his shirt apart to reveal a t-shirt. "RV. Rory Vampire. Defender of the Innocent!" Someone then groaned. "Hark, a cry for help. Someone is in need of brains. RV, away." He ran around the corner but came back and grabbed my hand. "And I'm taking Dria... later!"

"Uh see you guys." I said. We ran to where he heard the noise... which was the teachers lounge.

"Whoa a dilemma. The teacher's lounge is off limits to students. Who knows what goes on in there?" Rory said to me.

"Maybe we should let the teachers in there handle the problem." Then I heard another groan. someone comes up behind us.

"Excuse me, kids. May I play through?" Principal Hicks asked.

"I wouldn't go in there, sir. We heard some strange noises," Rory started.

"Very strange noises, sir." I intervened.

"Yeah, like: "uuh!" And "eee!" Even one "oeeg!"" Rory explained.

"Oh, yes. The staff is a tad excited. I had Lotta Latte coffee delivered to celebrate 100 days till summer vacation. Think of it. Summer. Golf. I can do it. Yes, yes, I can do it." Principal Hicks laughed to himself.

"I Lotta Latte coffee." I smiled.

"Maybe if you become a teacher Miss. Weir, you'll get some for free one day." Principal Hicks smiled and went to open the lounge door.

"Oh." I blinked.

"Sir, once you go in there, we cant save you. You know the legend. When a student ventures into the teachers lounge, he never comes out. Never." Rory says. I laughed at him.

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