✧*。 The obsessive prince 。*✧

Comenzar desde el principio

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did. You asked me what I wanted from your nephew. Right? I said......Him."

Jiseok was confused for atleast 30 seconds before his eyes widened in realization and shock.

"My Nephew? Is the most beautiful person?" Jiseok asked as if he heard the biggest joke.

"You have no idea do you? Your nephew is even more popular among guys then your precious daughter." Chanyeol said laughing when the smirk from Jiseok's face fell replacing it with a jaw drop.

"So what?...y-you want him as in romantically?" Jiseok asked almost failing to hide the disgust from his tone.

"Yes. And until he marries me I'm not telling you where or who has the 'will'!"

"Okay I don't care what you do with my nephew so I'll help but you better keep your promise!"

"Ofcourse! I'm a man of my words." Chanyeol said with sickeningly sweet smile.

They talked for some more about the plan they were about initiate before bidding goodbyes.

But what they didn't know is someone heard them and was not sure if they support or rebel.


"Noona I'm going to college...!" Lee Jongsuk said while wearing his shoes, mask and hoodie with his backpack. Calling out to his care taker karina as he fixed his glasses. The head of house affairs in the lee mansion.

"Ok be back before sunset!" Karina yelled from the kitchen.

They are ages apart and post wise shouldn't behave like this with each other but they are bestfriends.

Karina has worked for Mr. Lee since she was 20 and had since Jongsuk grow up and took up the role of his mother when she passed away. Mr.Lee was never home after his wife died either he was working or fooling around with someone's secretary. Karina knew all of it so she tried her best to protect Jongsuk from his father's influence and sheltered him for almost 10 years, where he was home schooled and never made any friend except karina. Other workers never got too involved with the Lee resident then karina, so nobody knew Jongsuk more then her.

But as the boy is now in his early 20s he has to leave his home and explore the outside world. Yes he was admitted a little later then others due to his family problems but he was a smart kid.

It was his first day of freshman year and he was going alone for the first time.

As he walked through the street from his house which was deserted cause the mansion was pretty far from the city and he was too shy to ask his dad's driver to drive him, cause he knew it would draw attention.

Suddenly he saw a bunch of men coming to the opposite direction towards him. He thought ignoring them would be best, so he kept walking and right when he was about to get past them the guy closest to him turned.

It all happened in a second on time he was suddenly held by two men from both sides pushed by 4 to 6 hands from behind in side, a black van that appeared from the side of the road as if it was already hiding behind the thick forest life around the road and their mansion.

He was pushed into the van before he felt a harsh blow on the back of his head and lost consciousness....


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