~4: Where She Lets Him in on a Secret~

Start from the beginning

A name in the girls' conversation suddenly caught my attention. My heartbeat picked up.

They still hadn't noticed me standing a few feet away. I felt guilty for eavesdropping but curiosity got the better of me.

"So I did some digging and by that I mean I stalked his Instagram profile, he was visiting his mom in Australia, which is why he's been AWOL for the past few weeks." Bianca spoke animatedly, "But it's official, Chase Michelson is coming back to school tomorrow!"

I swallowed nervously.

I had no idea he'd be back this soon

The girls continued to talk completely oblivious to my presence.

"We need to think up a strategy to get Chase to notice you." Bianca was saying.

Caroline sighed in response. "We've been in the same high school since freshman year and he hasn't noticed me, what makes you think that's going to change now?"

Bianca waved her hand dismissively, "That was because he had a girlfriend! He's single now." She gave her friend a pointed look. "And girl, have you seen yourself, any hot-blooded straight guy would have to be insane not to be into you."

Couldn't really disagree there.

Caroline groaned, "But that's the problem, Chase Michelson isn't just any guy. He's the hottest, most badass guy in our entire town. He has tattoos and rides a motorcycle to school for fuck's sake."

Bianca rolled her eyes. "You've always been weirdly obsessed with badboys, when we were kids it was Prince Zuko from Avatar then it was Patrick Verona from 10 Things I Hate About You, and now it's Chase."

Caroline shrugged. "You caught me there, badboys are my ultimate weakness."

Her eyes wandered in my direction and she finally seemed to notice me, she looked a little startled but I schooled my expression to look completely neutral and friendly.

Finally, she smiled at me, "Oh, hi Fallon! I didn't know you worked here. I'm sorry I didn't see you, have you been waiting long?"

I shook my head. "No, I haven't. I'll take your order if you're ready." I told them brightly.

I took their orders and headed back to the counter, my head still reeling.


Caroline wanted Chase.

Archer wanted Caroline.

And I wanted to get my car fixed.

My jumbled thoughts started to piece themselves together one by one.

Slowly, a plan started to take shape in my head.

I smiled.

Maybe I could solve everyone's problems.


I waited for Archer outside the boy's washroom.

It was official, I had turned into a full-blown stalker but before I had a chance to die with embarrassment I caught sight of Archer's familiar frame exiting the washroom. I hurried to catch up with his retreating back.

"Hi, Archer, what's up?" I said cheerfully.

He gave me a withering look before he picked up his pace and started walking even faster, trying to get away from me.

I couldn't even blame him at this point.

I started jogging to match my pace with his. "So, remember when I asked you if there was anything I could do for you in return for you fixing my can and you told me there wasn't?"

He just grunted in response as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his hoodie.

"What if I told you that I figured out a way to help you?" I was panting at this point.

"No thanks. Not interested." He said curtly.

I stopped jogging.

"Not even if it means you have a chance with Caroline Williams?"

He stopped in his tracks.

"What the fuck?" He demanded.

I cringed.

Maybe I hadn't worded that in the best way possible.

I swallowed. "I think I can help you win over Caroline. You like her right?"

His whole body turned rigid, "That's none of your fucking business."

I raised my hands in surrender.

For a moment he didn't say anything but then his eyes narrowed. "And what makes you think that you can help me?"

I took a deep breath. "Because I know everything there is about the kind of guy she's into."

He let out a cold laugh. "I seriously doubt that." He paused, his expression almost mocking, "But please do tell me how you know so much about the guy Caroline likes."

I took a deep breath.

And then I told Archer Hastings something I hadn't told a single soul before.

"Because I dated Chase Michelson for two years."

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