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Namaskaram 🙏

Date of Update: 16

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Date of Update: 16.02.2022


A girl of seven, wearing spectacles is playing with a ball in a garden when she suddenly falls down. A boy of seven who has been seeing her playing from a bit far immediately runs to her. She starts crying as she got hurt to her elbow.

“Hey don’t cry. It’s okay. It will be gone soon.” Says the boy blowing air on her wound.

She keeps sobbing when suddenly the boy gets pushed by another girl. He hisses in pain as he also gets hurt to his elbow.

“How dare you hurt my doll?” The girl was about to go to him angrily but the first girl stops him.

“Mish he is just helping me.” The first girl speaks in between her sobs stopping the second girl.

The second girl looks at the boy who is looking at both of them with wide eyes. The second girl glares him and looks at the first girl.

“Doll! Let’s go inside. Mumma will do first-aid, then this will go soon!” says the second girl holding the first girl’s hand and leading her inside the house.

The boy also follows them silently.

“Mumma see doll got hurt!” says the second girl as soon as they enter into the house.

Two couples who are seated in the hall look at them. One of the women rushed towards them.

“Ragu bacha how did this happen?” her mother asks revealing the first girl with spectacles to be our Ragini.

“I was playing and fell down mumma!” Says Ragini sniffing.

Her mother smiles and hugs her. She looks at the other girl who pouts. She signs her to come and she immediately joins the hug.

“It’s okay Doll. It will be fine soon!” said the second girl holding Ragini’s hand after she broke the hug.

“But Mish it’s paining!” Says Ragini looking her sister Mishti.

“For that Papa has a solution!” said her father bending to her level and pulling her nose a little.

“What papa?” Ragini asked with her teary eyes.

“Come with papa. Papa and Mishti will do first aid and the pain will go soon.” Shekhar, the little girls’ father says.

She looks at her mother Janaki who nods smiling. She nods and goes along with her father and sister. Janaki smiles seeing them. That’s when she observes the other kid standing away with injured hand.

“Ruhaan bacha!” she calls him worried.

The other woman who was with them and adoring their family looks at the boy and gets worried. She immediately rushes towards him.

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