"Does anyone have any other thing to say?" Beast asked. The room went pin drop silent and I blinked, wondering what would happen next.

"Your complaints will be looked into, Mr Cruise and Mr Winters will get back to you."

"I would prefer someone else doing so. Mr winters..."

Just then, Dennis stepped into the room. "You called for me boss?"

"Yes. Explain to Mr cruise in details, why we needed to look into the seaside project he's handling. Meeting dismissed." Beast got up and I did as well. The rest of the men at the table casted me glances and murmured between themselves but this time, it was barely audible.

I walked beside Beast out of the room and heaved a deep sigh.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked me. I just ate before we left home...

"Nothing." I gave him a smile and he stated at me for some seconds before shaking his head and licking his lower lip. Did I just make the whole Capo di tutti Capi entranced? That made a sly smirk pull up at the side of my lips but I erased it as quickly as it came.

"Are you sure?"

"Yep. When I get hungry, I'll let you know." We stepped into the elevator and I let out a squeal, pressing myself into him.

Beast gave me a blank stare. "You're not in danger. Why did you scream?"

Ugh. He could be so monotonous sometimes.

"You were so amazing in there. Like the typical cold boss. So charming." I gushed, knowing that love would probably be pouring from my eyes with how well I was swooning right now.

His gaze softened a little. "You loved watching me do my work?"

"Yes. You sounded so hot challenging those men. I felt like kissing you senseless." I giggled.

"Why don't y-" The elevator stopped him from continuing his words and I pulled him along with me, out behind. me. His bodyguards were already waiting for us and they led us down the hallway.

The door to an office parted into two immediately Beast stepped before it and we stepped in.

I looked around at the glass walled professional space as we walked in, instantly falling in love with the interior. "Your office is so large and there are glass demarcations. I love the decorations and the setting."

He didn't say anything but held my hand and pulled me to his chair. Sitting down, he pulled me to sit on his thigh, giving me a serious look.

"What's the next on your agenda?" I asked and leaved back to pick his hard cover calendar, wondering what he would be doing next.

"I'm free for an hour." He pecked my nose.

"A whole hour?" I asked in surprise and dropped the calendar to wrap my arms around his neck.

"Yes. What do you want to eat?" He asked again and I groaned softly.

"Why do I feel like you want to feed me to death? I took ice cream this morning. I also ate bread and jam while making the ice cream." I cradled his cheeks.

His face contorted, making me frown.

"Are you hungry? If that's why you're asking, don't worry about m-"

"No. I want to love you." He blurted, his face blank of emotions.

"Oh." I blushed crimson, not getting what loving me had to do with feeding me. "You want to love me by feeding me..."

I instantly remembered what I told him few months ago about how I loved food and how I could totally marry the man that feeds me daily. It was stupid at that time but if that man was beast, I could reconsider. Also, how did he remember such?! Did he have it on his mind all along?

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