You Gotta Die Sometime

Start from the beginning

"Are you crying?"



Whizzer began to sob violently.

"You're right I'm crying, Marvin is so ....ugh"

"I know I know. My dad sucks a lot of ass."


"Okay well, you should probably talk to him rather than sit here and cry."

Jason came in and grabbed Whizzerd's phone and gave it to him.

"Respond to his text or I'll do it for you."

Whizzer sighed. He hadn't read the paragraph his lover has sent, and now was the time he would.

Whizzer, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have said any of that stuff. It was really shitty of me to do, and I'm sorry. I understand if you don't want to come home for a bit, but I'll be waiting for you. I've finally booked an appointment with a psychiatrist again, and I'm planning on going every week. You mean the world to me, and I really am sorry. I'm trying to get better. I love you, Whizzer, and I hope to see you soon.

"Oh, man. That made him get a psychiatrist?"

He laughed softly, before beginning to type a reply.

Marvin, I'm glad you're going back to a psychiatrist. You need it more than you think. I'm sorry too. For running off. You know I don't know how to deal with fighting half the time. You know I just... leave sometimes. I'm sorry. I just wish you would think before you speak sometimes. But, of course, I love you too, and I'd be crazy not to love you. I might come home today, I might not. But still, I love you, and I'll see you soon enough. Maybe we can go get coffee today and talk about some stuff. Love you. xoxo.

"Why did you add the 'xoxo'?"

Whizzer laughed. "Why not?"

"And why aren't you at school?"

"We get out early today."

Whizzer paused. "What time is it?"


"Oh shit, I slept late, I'm gonna get ready real quick after that wanna go get milkshakes?"


"Alright. I'm gonna get some clothes on, take a shower, and do my hair then we can go"


Jason runs downstairs and gets his shoes on, then sits on the couch to watch TV, knowing how long Whizzer will take.

Whizzer turned the water on hot, because cold showers are 'for limp dick erectile dysfunction bitchboys', as he would always tell Marvin.

He undressed, and thoughts of Marvin began to consume him, drowning him as if he were the titanic.

"Oh, you're kidding." He said to himself, looking at his dick. He had an erection. "Motherfucker on a stick."

He got in the shower, the hot water hitting his body.

"Man.." he whispered, wrapping a hand around his length. He began to quickly jack himself off. He came fast, and then did shower things, washed his hair, that stuff. He got out of the shower, dried off, got dressed, and joined Jason downstairs.

"You ready?" Whizzer asked.


"Alright." They walked to the car and got in.

"Is it ok if we stop at the house really quick? I have to drop off some stuff. Do you want him to come with us to get milkshakes?"


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