His hands went to his face and rubbed his eyes as he gave a soft yawn. His eyes looked around the room before they shifted towards the raven-haired male who slept peacefully next to him. The one awake gave a sleepy tired and slowly moved to lay on top of him. The male being laid on gave a soft chuckle with a groan at the double weight he was given. "Morning," the strawberry-blonde whispers with a gentle kiss on the male's cheek. The raven-haired male opened his eyes to stare at the fluffball on top of him. "Morning," He answered and smiles at the second kiss.

The strawberry blonde was about to speak, but the door swung open which caught both of the adult's attention. "I need help," the teenager who opened the door said. The educated love parent raised a brow at the teenager. "Yes. Michi?" He said as he choose to sit on his side of the bed while his husband occupied himself with his phone. "Ren said he was going to do something on Valentine's Day with me and I don't know what he means, and Ryu is making fun of him, and I'm about to beat his ass," Michi, the teenager, said as his hand made his way to his hair to grip it. "First of all," the oldest adult said, "you're more than welcome to fight your brother."


The adult was hit with a pillow and was threatened to be pushed off the bed. "Mom, please," Michi said as he walked over to the bed and crawled onto it. "Yeah, Felix," Changbin said with a snicker, and Felix, the strawberry blonde, glared at his husband. "Shut up and go make me breakfast," Felix said and flicked the male's forehead who pouted. "I have an overgrown baby to pamper," Felix said and hugged his son tightly, the teen smiling at the affection.

Changbin shrugged and the two shared a quick kiss before the male got out of bed and left the room. "Now, what do you think that beanstalk is going to do?" Felix asks as he moved to sit against the headboard and the second he settled, the moping teenager quickly snuggled into his parent's chest. "I don't know. Ryu keeps telling me that Ren likes me, but Ryu always messes with me, so I think he's lying but I also think he's telling the truth cause like, why would a twin lie to another twin when I can easily go lie and say Sora likes someone else," Michi ranted and Felix snorted at the thought of the oldest child moping just like the younger twin. "Well, Ryu does like to play jokes, and you know this, you've lived with him for the past 16 years," Felix consulted and the male nodded his head, "but you also know that your brother wouldn't do something horrible like this. He knows you like Ren a lot, and I know that too. It's easy to tell when we're having a get-together at his house, especially during summer. He's extremely caring towards you but likes to rough house with you when he can. You enjoy teasing him and even though he acts as he hates it, he likes it because he gets attention from you."

Michi absorbed every word his guardian gave him and gave slow nods. Felix's hands found their way to the teenager's bleach hair and started to make tiny braids. "It was the same way with Uncle Ji and Min. Jisung liked teasing Minho when he fell during a simple dance move and Minho would pretend he was pissed off, but he liked it and found it funny. Don't take everything your brother says to heart, he's a massive loser and he's also head-over-heels for Sora, so if he pisses you off, come tell me and I'll tell you something so you can tell Sora," Felix said and his voice quieted with ever word. Michi laughs at the sentence and nodded his head. "Okay, thanks," Michi said and Felix smiled, finishing off the 5th braid and cupping his face. "I was called Cupid for a reason in high school," Felix said and kissed the button nose he had. "Now, go help dad," Felix said and the thought of helping with food lightened the teenager's mood he quickly got out of bed and ran to the kitchen where the second adult of the house was waiting patiently.

Felix waited a few seconds before getting out of bed. He made the bed, smoothing out the comforter and placing the pillows in the correct space; fluffing most of them before doing a quick check of the room. He left the room and went to go see how the other teenager was doing as he wasn't hit with double trouble like he normally does. As he opened the closed door, his body stopped at the black-haired male who was staring intensely at the small gifts that were displayed on his desk. "Good morning, the thinker," Felix commented and his voice caught the male's attention. "Do you think this is okay for Sora?" He quickly asked and Felix smiles. "Yes, it's fine," Felix said with a headshake, "you know what Sora likes, so if you think he's going to like that, then you win."

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