At One With The Silence

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Leia's P.O.V.

Standing with the entire Resistance in a circle, I watch Anakia light a torch. Everyone surrounds in a circle facing the pile of unlit fire logs. In the center of the logs lays, Ahsoka Tano. A friend of Anakia, Poe, and Grogu.

It's night fall and everyone's gathered to the center of our base. Everyone is a yard away from the pile of logs in silence. Rey and Finn stand beside me, respecting the ceremony like everyone else.

Anakia turns toward Ahsoka laying body and walks until she is at the edge of wood surrounding her. I watch Ani's eyes stay on Ahsoka's face until she lays the torch against the logs. She takes a step back as the logs instantly flame up, but stands closer than anyone else around her. 

Everyone watches the fire catch around Ahsoka's body in flames yards high. My eyes go back to Anakia through the flames. Ani's eyes are still on Ahsoka's face through the flames, with her hands clenched at her side.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Poe walking toward her. He comes to her side and wraps an arm around her as he watches the flames. They look at one another before Ani wraps her arms around his waist. 

Anakia's head rests on his chest with her eyes still on Ahsoka. She's grasping his shirt as he scratches her back. In the next moment, I find Grogu coming to Anakia's side with eyes on the fire.

Grogu informed me what Ahsoka has done for Anakia on Tevarro and what she passed down to her. I've met her once with Luke, when he took Grogu in as a padawan. We invited her to stay at the Temple to help us train students. 

Yet, she declined, saying she has other matters she to deal with and we haven't seen her since. When I saw Grogu come off the Falcon, I welcomed him with open arms. I yet to have greet Anakia. 

The moment she got off the falcon, she started grabbing wood. She spoke to no one and has yet to look at anyone other than Grogu, Poe and Ahsoka. Her first five minutes on base was her finding fire wood alone and piling it up. 

Soon Grogu and Poe helped her. Then suddenly, Rey, Finn and Chewie did the same. It wasn't until I saw Chewie and Lando carry out Ahsoka's body from the Falcon that I realized what Anakia was doing. 

Without thought, I requested everyone in the Resistance to come. Anakia planned on giving Ahsoka a proper Jedi funeral. I don't know what exactly happened these last few months, but it seems Ahsoka meant a great deal to Anakia. 

Not only that, but she has become close to Poe in a way I never thought would happen. I even sense a connect to Grogu and Ani that wasn't there when they were Luke's padawans. Watching the three of them together, my mind wanders what could have happened while we were apart. 

The three of them seem in another world, only they know about. Staring down at Ahsoka's body, I silently bless her in the force for bringing the Anakia I know back to me.

Anakia's P.O.V.

"You need to overcome your feelings... The dark side will always use it to its benefit."

"Even feelings of Love... And joy?"

I speak up as I sit in the air. My eyes are closed as I lift myself and rocks around me. Ahsoka is walking around me, coaching me to control the force I wield inside me. Sitting crisscross in the air, I hear Ahsoka explaining.

"Even moments of love and joy. It's not wrong to feel them, but to dwell on them is dangerous." I hear her stepping around the grass around me as she continues. "When dwelling on anything... Life, death, anger, happiness... It will always lead to fear and suffering."

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