Chap 3- math test.

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Cheong-san and onjo is the first one to enter the classroom, they sat beside each other.

"Yah onjo." Cheongsan called out making onjo raise an eyebrow.

"Do you...perhaps-" before he can continue bunch of students came in bragging about some stuffs.

"Perhaps, what?" Onjo ask still raising an eyebrow, waiting for his answer.

"Nothing." He replied and let out a sigh.

"You ask me and now you want me to shut up?" Onjo asks.

"I didn't say anything like that." Cheongsan said, defending himself.

"You're obviously telling me to shut up by saying nothing!" She responded.

"I didn't say anything like that, so can you please shut up?" He asks in a cold and annoyed tone.

Onjo can't believe what she just heard from his mouth so she stood up and switch seat, but cheongsan didn't even try to keep her beside him.

Soon Namra came.

She sat at the back silently and waited for their teacher to come.

Soon Su-hyeok came and sat beside cheongsan who's drooling onto his own world.

"hey." Su-hyeok called out patting Cheongsan's shoulder.

"What?" Cheongsan asks as he look at Su-hyeok.

"Did you review for today's math test?" Su-hyeok ask whispering.

Cheongsan immediately shoot at his sit making his chair make a sound, students stared at him for a sec but mind their own business again.

"I didn't know that we have a test today..." He explain as he look at the ground dumbfounded.

"What? How?" Su-hyeok asks, wondering if cheong-san's mind is occupied.

"Can you please shut up? You're not really helping to be honest. Plus didn't you asked me cause you want to copy my answers? Too bad i didn't review today." He replied with full sarcasm.

But su-hyeok just chuckle at him loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Too bad for you cause your guess is wrong, I did review." Su-hyeok answered as he praised himself.

Cheongsan was stun a little because of what he just heard.

"You what?.... reviewed?" Cheongsan asks, so surprised.

"Of course I did." Su-hyeok replied proudly.

Cheongsan look at su-hyeok, bewildered.

"Lee Su-hyeok, are you okay?" Cheongsan asks as he shook Su-hyeok's body.

"Stop." He demanded and slapped both Cheongsan's hand on his shoulder.

"Wow, what a character development." Cheongsan said as he shake his head while looking at the ground.

"You just can't accept the fact that I reviewed, and you didn't." Su-hyeok teases him.

"Shut up, I will still have good grades." Cheongsan replied back.

"Greater than, prez's?" He asks making cheongsan look at him and glare.

Meanwhile on the back namra is sitting alone in there when someone sat beside her.

She curiously look at who it is and scoff silently, looking away.

"Stop making fun of the situation, Namra." On-jo suddenly speak at her.

"I'm not making fun of it, I'm just amazed that you're still acting like you dont know what he feels. Aren't you the one making fun of his feelings? If you don't like him then tell him straightly. Don't act like you don't know, you didn't even think about it. Maybe you're hurting his feelings already." She coldly replied and grabbed her pencil case.

"Don't act like you kno-" but before she can finish Namra speak again.

"Don't I? Are you sure I don't know? Are you not afraid someone likes him? What if you're too late?" Namra asks.

"What are you implying?" On-jo asks back.

"I don't know. Ask yourself." Namra said as she turn her gaze in front.

But before can on-jo ask their math teacher came holding test papers.

Next chapter !

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