Chap 2- Curious

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As the class ended students one by one left the classroom until Su-hyeok and namra was the only person at the classroom.

Namra wore her airpods and played a song while looking through the window.

Not until Su-hyeok saw her and smiled.

He stand up and sat beside Namra, he lightly tapped her shoulder making her flinched at the sudden contact.

She breath heavily and then removed her airpods as she saw Su-hyeok.

"What do you need?" She asks as her heavy breathing stopped.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Su-hyeok asks worriedly looking at her.

"I'm full." She shortly replied and was about to put on her airpods again but Su-hyeok stopped her.

"You need to eat at least three times a day, how could you be so smart if you're not eating enough?" He askz teasingly trying to convince her.

But she just look at him with her icy eyes, so suhyeok opened her mouth again.

"Let's go to the canteen, we'll eat together." He randomly said and stand up to reach for Namra's hand.

But surprisingly she just let him and as she stand up and walk side by side with him, still holding his hand, she's just following him like a lost innocent puppy.

As they reached the cafeteria they saw how crowded it is, Su-hyeok knows she doesn't like crowded places so he pulled her again.

"Where are we going?" She ask, looking back at the canteen.

"I'll just buy food, wait for me here." He said as he let namra seat at the bench.

As suhyeok left, Namra silently sat there watching how people interact with each other happily making her feel jealous.

She has no friends.

She's busy looking around when someone sit beside her making her look at her side, it's Su-hyeok.

Smiling at her while holding a topperwear that has a salad inside and a cheeseburger.

"Here, eat this." He told her as he placed the salad on Namra's lap.

Namra silently open it, Su-hyeok is just staring at her smiling like a fool.

"Why?" Namra suddenly asks, breaking the silence.

"What?" Su-hyeok asks again, as his eyebrows scrunched.

"Why are you staring at me?" She asks again, looking at him with her innocent face.

Su-hyeok suddenly scoff, offended.

"Yes I am, Am I not allowed to?" He asked as he looked at her, offended.

"I didn't say anything." Namra emotionless replied.

Su-hyeok just looked at her dumbfounded, "Still." Su-hyeok said.

"Why did you even asks if I'm staring at you?" He asks changing the topic.

"Well.... you're smiling at me without any reason."she explained as her eyebrows scrunched up again, whenever she's curious or thinking it's always doing that.

Thinking about that, Su-hyeok smiled again.

"Ah, well...nevermind just eat." He said as he laugh a little.

Namra just nodded a little and ate while looking around.

"Don't you have friends?" Su-hyeok suddenly asks making her stop eating.

"Why do you care." She replied with a tone Su-hyeok couldn't read.

"Hey, hey ,hey." Su-hyeok called out as he grab her wrist trying to stop her from standing up.

"What?" She asks, annoyed.

"I didn't meant to offend you I was just asking." Su-hyeok explained but Namra pushed his hand away.

"It's none of your business." She told him as she walked away before can Su-hyeok stopped her.

Next chapter !

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