Chapter 9 but I saw him

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after work me and mike went home, he said he was going to the store to get some snacks for our movie night he said he'll be back at 9:00pm because he might go to other stores for some stuff, so I waited.........and waited...........................................and waited but he never come i agreed to myself that I'll check in the morning.

Next Day 

I woke up and took a shower and got changed I printed some missing posters of Mikey and I grab a flashlight and a bag a snack just in case if I get hungry and I was ready to head out the door I promise I'm going to find you Michael...

Michael POV

"Mike mike mike mike mike mike" "GODDAMN IT ENNARD SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY" I was getting annoyed by ennard I wished I never went back to work behind M/n's back I want to be home with my boyfriend "oooooo who's M/n, when do I get to meet him?" ennard said "you're never going to meet him so just stop" I said I'm gonna pick up some food for M/n just in case I put on a black hoodie and some black gloves and walked out the house I walked to M/n's F/s (Favorite Store) when I poster of myself 'Missing Michael Afton 27 Years Old Brown Hair Brown Eyes Last seen At F/s Please Help Me Find Him' Shit.. "Seem like someone is looking for you" "yeah I know" ennard started to ask questions like "who's looking for you?" "Is it that boyfriend of yours??" and "are you going to see him!" so I just didn't answer his questions I do want to see him though I just don't want him to freak out and not love me anymore...I'll just have to wait for now...


 I was at the police station I told them my boyfriend went missing they asked me questions like "where did you last see him?" "Do you know where he might be at any chance?" and "Did he tell you that he might be staying with someone?" I told my answers, so I went home, and I saw Mikey, so I went up to him "Mikey are you finally home?" I said in a happy tone, but he put down a bag then ran off, so I took the bag in to find some food I put the food away and went to sleep when I woke up and went to the police station, they took me in a room and asked some more questions then said they can't find him, but they are trying "I think I found him" "when?" "Yesterday he put some food at my front door then ran off" "I don't think that was him though" "but I saw him!"

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