Chapter 13: Grand Magic Games Day 1-5 (part 2)

Start from the beginning

~5 hours later~

It was night now. Hisui had to leave a few hours ago ‘cause she had someone to meet with. The last match of the day was Chelia Blendy from Lamia Scale vs. Wendy Marvell from Fairy Tail. The two cuties were evenly matched: Chelia being the sky god slayer and Wendy being the sky dragon slayer. The girls may be small with tiny fists, but they packed quite the punch and held the biggest spirit. Their match resulted in a draw and the two of them became best friends. It was so adorable! I then heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" The door opened, revealing Yukino. "Yuki! You did come back! What happened and where's your guild mark?" I asked, concerned.
She came up, took me from Milly hugging me, which received a hiss from her. I laughed at my protective twin and stroked her hair, receiving purrs. I looked at Yukino to see her smiling.
"What's got you all perky?" I asked her.
"I got kicked out of Sabertooth!" She exclaimed happily, causing me to gasp.
"Yuki, that's terrible! I thought Sabertooth was your dream guild!" I blurted, surprised.
She looked down. "Sabertooth was my dream guild, but it turned out they are not the guild I thought they were. All they are is power-hungry and they kick out anyone that's weak or ‘disgraces their guild’s name’. After losing to Kagura, they saw me as weak and insignificant, not worthy to be a part of their guild! I've wanted to leave that place for a while now, but I didn't dare to leave, knowing I would be forced to fight my way out, so I took my loss against Kagura as my way out of that guild without being forced to fight and be seriously injured by any of the guild's powerhouses. What I didn't expect was for the master to force me to embarrass myself in front of the entire guild by telling me to strip all my clothing and remove my mark." She said. Now I was angry! How dare they treat their member like that?! That’s not what a guild was!
"Princess Lucy, I've already spoken with my spirits about this, and they agreed that if this is what I want and believe is best for me, then they are fine with it." She started, looking at me seriously. "What are you trying to say, Yuki?" I asked hesitantly.
"Princess, I want you to take my keys and keep them safe. I'd rather them be with you more then anyone else! I love my spirits from the bottom of my heart, but this is the best thing for me!" She cried, handing me her spirits’ keys.
"Yukino, I can't - they are your family. If Sabertooth wasn't a real family to you then I can't take the ones that were!" I exclaimed, giving the keys back.
"No, princess, this is what's best for me! I'm not giving up on magic. I'm giving you my keys because I will be learning a new magic called ‘Angel Magic’. I'm giving my keys to you because you already have 10 out of 12 of the golden zodiac keys and with these last 2 you will own all 12, and I know you will take great care of them and treat them like family. With them in your possession, I won't have to worry about them and I can just come to you and ask to see them anytime I wish, so it'd be like they are still with me."
I sighed, "If this is really what you believe is best, then it's not my place to say no. I'll except them on three conditions." I replied.
She looked at me with a gentle smile and a confused, "What is it Princess?"
"One: I want you to call me Lucy, Lu or Lulu since you won't be a celestial mage anymore and we are friends. Two: like you said before, you can come see them anytime you wish, so I request that you come visit me at least once a month to see them and to hang out with Milly, Hisui and I and maybe we can have a girls’ day out with us, Libra and my girl spirits. Since you'll probably be busy with the training, I'm making it once a month instead of once a week. Lastly, I want you to tell us about this ‘Angel's Magic’, it sounds familiar to me!" I told her.
She smiled. "I accept your conditions Pri- uh... Lulu-chan!" She said while pulling out a book from her bag. I sighed knowing that was as good as I was gonna get from her, she had always been so polite and formal ever since I met her.
"Angel magic is a holder and a caster type magic. It uses Angel coins to summon angels by holding your hands to your chest and the user declares the ‘cost’ they are willing to pay, bringing forth the angel coins to summon the angels, but when the angels are defeated it takes a toll on the user’s life by taking the ‘cost’ they paid from their life span." She read.
"Why would you want to learn this magic then Yuki? It’s very dangerous!" I cried out.
"That's not all to it though. I've done more research about it and have discovered something that not many know about this magic. You see, this magic only takes a toll on the user if the user's intentions with this magic are bad or if the user is not pure-hearted and kind, but if the user has a pure heart and has good intentions then not only will the magic not take a toll on them, but it will also grant them the use of their angel wings." She said with a smile.
“That's great yuki!" I said, relieved "Now that you’re not a member of Sabertooth, what do you plan to do?" I asked with concern.
"Don't worry about me, Lulu-chan! I have everything I need to start learning this magic, and I plan on joining Mermaid Heel and asking Kagura-san if she could take me under her wing and train me!" She clamoured excitedly.
"Awesome, Yuki! I'm sure she'll accept you!"
"I know she will too! She did accept me and trained me in everything she knows, I'm certain she'll do the same for you!" Milly smiled, taking me back from Yuki, which made me giggle. Little did any of us know that a certain fire dragon slayer was right outside the door and ran off to the Sabertooth inn, deciding to pay a little visit to their guild master and give them all a lecture about what a real guild was.

~After the final day's battle royal~

I was let out of the medical room this morning and was allowed to participate in the battle royale with the rest of my team. I was trying to avoid Milly as I didn't want to fight my sister. Nearing the end, there was an all-out fight between the powerhouse ladies from 3 separate guilds. Erza from my guild, Kagura-san from Milly's guild, and Minerva from Sabertooth. Minerva got bored so she decided to find another prey while those two ducked it out and decided to come back to them and fight the winner. It turned out that the prey she sought was Milly and me. She got us when neither of us expected.
First, she found me and was about to strike when my back was turned, but then I heard Milly scream my name, jumping in front of me and taking the hit. She had a sword wedged right through her stomach, seeping blood. It was just like what happened when Jellal used Milly as a shield!
It felt as if time froze as she slowly dropped to the ground. The last I heard from her before she blacked out was, "I'm glad I could protect you, Lacy! Now defeat her for me and win the games!"
I yelled. "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU"VE DONE!!" I transformed into my celestial princess form, summoning all 12 zodiac spirits to my side with my body surrounded by golden spheres. We all attacked her at once and I threw all my spheres at her, one right after the other so she wouldn't have time to dodge them all. Then I summoned Ophichus - the legendary 13th gate key, with it spitting poison at her while she was distracted by my other spirits. She was finally hit by the poison and fell to the ground, not able to move, so I saw this as my chance to knock her unconscious.
I wasn’t cruel, so I asked Aries to lay down some of her wool and I picked Minerva up and laid her on it. I sent all my spirits back and picked up Milly, making my way to where Erza and Kagura-san were fighting to see that their fight was so intense that everything around them came crumbling down.
Erza had her foot stuck under fallen-down boulders, with a knocked-out Kagura in her arms. Erza must've saved her from the rocks, getting her foot caught in the process and Kagura being knocked out.
I limped over to them as my leg was broken and covered in bruises all over. Summoning Taurus, I asked him to lift the boulder, then called Aries and asked her to lay out 2 more cots of wool. I put Milly down on one and pulled Erza and Kagura-san out from under the boulders, sending Taurus and Aries back, laying Kagura-san down on the other woolen cot.
Seeing Erza's leg, I helped her walk, ignoring the searing pain from my broken leg. We then made our way to the center of town, coming together with the rest of our teammates, standing straight and tall under the gleaming moonlight with all our injuries, broken bones, scratches, and bruises standing out in all their glory, causing the last-standing Sabertooth member, Sting Eucliffe to shake under our gaze and surrender to us.
Our guild had finally won the Grand Magic Games and the title of ‘Strongest guild in Fiore.’
Erza and I promptly toppled over. Me landing in Natsu's arms and her landing Gray's, who her lean on him while she walks and Natsu picks me up bridal-style, making me blush redder than the color of Erza's hair.

“FAIRY TAIL HAS DONE IT!! FAIRY TAIL HAS WON THE GRAND MAGIC GAMES, WINNING BACK THEIR TITLE AS FIORE’S STRONGEST GUILD!" Mato shouted, causing an uproar amongst the crowd. I made a mental note to thank Hisui for the headphones again later. 

A/N: I've been writing this chapter (and the previous one) for 4 days now. The next chapter will be on the Eclipse Gate.

I do not own anything besides the story plot and the edited picture of the guild mark. I used 3 different pictures to create the guild mark edit.

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