Chapter 12: Grand Magic Games: Day 1-5 (Part 1)

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A/N: First, I was planning on separating the days into different chapters, but for me to do so, I would have to actually type out the entire fight scene to make the chapters not too short however I'm terrible at writing fight scenes and don't dare to write them out completely, because even though my first fight scene that I wrote in my Lost Princess Twins book was good from what my friends tell me, I felt proud that was good enough to receive their approvals, I still got discouraged going back and reading it over and over, therefore I will not be writing out all the fight scenes, but I will write descriptions for a few of the fights to the best of my ability. A lot of the battles and events will be the ones that happened in the anime.  For the first event and some of the battles, I have something else planned in mind, so there will be no hidden event like in the anime.



~Several hours later 5 till midnight~

We both awoke to someone shaking us, I looked to see that it was Erza. "Oh hey Erza, what’s up?" I asked, still tired.
"Lucy, what is Millianna doing here? It's 5 minutes till midnight. She should be back at her hotel by now!" She exclaimed.
"Don't worry, Erza, I'll handle it."
"Milly, wake up, it's 5 till midnight." I shook her gently.
"I'm up, I'm up. Lulu, can I use your portal, please?" She asked.
"Sure! See you during the games, Milly!" I waved and opened a celestial portal to her hotel room. "Bye-bye, Lulu! You know what to do if you need me!" I nodded as she waved and leaped through the portal.

"Welcome, to this year’s Grand Magic games! I am your host, Mato! This year we have 113 guilds wanting to participate so we decided to have a preliminary round to limit the number of guilds down to only 8! The First 8 guilds to the exit of the giant floating maze will qualify for the games! Ready... Set... Go! Have fun!" Said Mato the pumpkin head mascot.

"Form a circle of hands, Minna," I told my team. They did as told. "Celestial teleport: Domus Flau Arena!" I chanted. Teleporting us to the exit. "Woah, Team Fairy Tail got first place! Congrats! You may return to your hotel and return to the arena at 10:00 sharp tomorrow morning." Exclaimed Mato. I thanked him and we went to our hotel rooms for a good night’s rest.


Lucy's POV:

It was time. My team and I were standing underneath the balconies away from all the guilds and the crowd waiting for our team to be announced. Then the announcer started talking.

"Welcome, to this year's Grand Magic games! We had a total of 113 teams wanting to participate this year so we decided to have a preliminary round to lower the number down to only 8 teams!" Mato the pumpkin mascot exclaimed. "Let's show the crowd which 8 teams qualified!" Chapati Lola then took over, thank goodness."Let's introduce the teams." Chapti stated.

"In 8th place is the all boy's guild...

Quatro Cerberus...

in 7th place is the all-girls guild...

Mermaid Heel...

in 6th is the guild famous for their charms...

Blue Pegasus...

in 5th is...

Lamia Scale...

in 4th is a dark guild turned to light...

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