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"Congratulations on your release!"

"Thank you for watching over me this entire time."

Y/n gave a small bow towards the nurse smiling down at her, the woman clapping her hands gently. "Remember to rest up and try not to strain your body too much. Although your injuries are healed, there's still a chance you might pull something out of place again. If you feel any sort of discomfort in the next few days, make sure to tell Recovery Girl." Her eyes shifted a bit to the nearby underground hero, an uneasiness coming forth from her as her smile faltered a bit. "I'll be leaving her in your care then, Eraserhead."

"I'll be sure to watch over her," Aizawa commented from the side as the h/c haired girl straightened herself. His hands were placed in his pockets, his demeanor unusually calm that morning despite the bags that sat under his eyes so clearly. The nurse only provided a curt nod of her head in response before excusing herself, not sparing a second glance behind herself.

"Did something happen?" Y/N muttered under her breath, still eyeing the direction the woman had walked off in. "She seemed sort of nervous."

"No clue," the black-haired man said, turning his head to the side.

E/c eyes grew blank, a neutral expression passing through her face as she stared at him.

So it was his fault then.

"Let's get going," he let out before she could question him any further, the underground hero turning around and beginning to walk. He cast a glance behind himself, making sure the younger was following him, before shifting his gaze back forward. His shoulders slouched a bit, a frustrated expression coming forth. "Present Mic and Midnight should be waiting around the front."

"Present Mic and Midnight?" she softly repeated to herself in slight surprise, although it was much duller compared to how she had reacted before. Now, having had her small outburst with Aizawa, she couldn't find it in herself to stay all that surprised about them showing up. Still, hearing that Midnight of all people had shown up was as much new information as anything else. "Um," she began, finding her voice. "Is it alright? I mean...I should be perfectly fine if you just dropped me off at home. You don't really have to accompany me or anything anywhere."

"You said you were excited about the party class 1-A was holding," the man grumbled. She felt her body freeze on the spot. "Since your brother is still busy with his work, they've left it up to me to watch over you. Which is in itself incredibly annoying..." His last words came out stingy, almost under his breath but just enough so she could hear it. "Present Mic and Midnight just so happened to find out what was going on and wanted to come."

"I see," she let out.

Aizawa had mentioned something about a brother before, hadn't he? She had been mostly out of it when it happened, but she could vaguely remember the man mentioning a similar excuse the last time as well. Luckily, the man hadn't noticed she had been awake when he was talking to Midoriya and Monoma.

To deal with Iida and now a brother? What was next? The stupid vigilante shit?

She wasn't going to answer that.

"Pay attention to where you're going," the man said, dragging her from her thoughts. She blinked dazedly at him as he tugged her to the side a bit, keeping her close to his side as they made their way across the street. Her feet stumbled a bit to keep after him, shoes slightly folding at the front. A frown passed by on his face when he looked back at her again, noting it. "Just...bear with it for a few more moments," he let out, tone becoming less striking than earlier. "I should have told them to find a spot closer...Those two..."

Since I've Been Given Another Chance, Let's Be Heroes | BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now