Chrollo nodded, chuckling a little and taking a mental note of how little they thought things through already. He shrugged it off and followed them as they walk out the doors of the hotel. Y/N looked at their phone and searched for cafes that were relatively close to the hotel since they didn't really feel like going too far today. They would honestly have preferred they be able to stay in their room all day but they do still need to eat and they didn't have any groceries, let alone anything but a microwave in a hotel room obviously. They showed Chrollo where they were thinking about going and he happily agreed. They sighed happily, glad he agreed to the small café. They were worried he would suggest somewhere farther away or fancier than a local shop. He must've had a ton of money if he was so willing to spend money like he did through this experience. They were hungry from missing breakfast that morning and they didn't want to wait any longer to eat. As they walked down the busy sidewalk their stomach growled loudly, making a few head turn but most minded their business. Chrollo glanced over at them and chuckled softly.

"Well someone is hungry aren't. Do you have to starve yourself so often?" he joked.

"I try not to but this week hasn't been the best for making time for a meal," they respond quietly with a shameful sigh.

"You need to start eating semi regularly or I'll have to start pestering you until you do."

"And you would do it too wouldn't you, you nosy bastard! " they laughed, a large grin forming on their features.

"Of course. If we're going to be traveling together you can't not eat. We're going to be walking a lot and it's not healthy to moving around that much without at least eating something," he shrugged.

"Yeah. You're right," they paused for a moment, contemplating the next words they were going to speak, "so... do I need to know anything about who ever we're meeting up with?"

"Yes but we can talk about that later when we're not surrounded by so many people," he looked at them with a stern expression.

They nodded and stayed quiet as they continued on their walk to the café. They honestly regretted not having a car at this very moment. They could've been there already if they did. They shook their head, not really feeling the need to be down on themself at the moment. They didn't want to walk everywhere all the time but it didn't matter. No need to dwell on the things they should've done. Things would get a lot more depressing if they did that all the time. It was too late anyway, they're leaving civilized society behind, which included cars at least for the time being. They snort softly at that thought. This wasn't exactly in their original plans for their life but here they were now. They looked at Chrollo and stared for a while as they walked, wondering if he really was being honest about his intentions. He looked back at them and smiled sweetly.

"We're here," he said, pointing at the building and opening the door for them politely.

"Thanks. Are you ordering something too?" they walked through the door, a wave of the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods washed over them giving them a strange nostalgic feeling.

"Let me guess. A black coffee?" they smirked at him playfully.

"Yes. You remembered!" he laughed, "did I stick in your memory that much?" he joked. 

"Of course. Its almost like you scared the shit out of me last time I got you got a coffee," They huffed out with a touch of bitterness.

"Sorry about that. I let my frustration get the better of me," he admitted and rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's fine... What was that anyway?"

He looks around, taking note of the surprising amount of people in the building, "I'll tell you after we get out order."

They nodded and walked up to the barista with a sheepish smile, exchanging pleasantries before he asked what they wanted to order. They glanced up at the menu and stared for a second, glad that there wasn't anyone behind them because all of the other patrons were either waiting on or had their orders already. Of course it didn't take them long to figure out what they wanted in most cases but they didn't need a line to make them feel pressured as they looked for something they liked. They picked something to drink out and ordered something to eat as well, adding what Chrollo wanted onto their order as another person walked into the shop. Y/N sighed in relief, glad she only walked in after they finished ordering. They turned around to see Chrollo glaring the barista down, not realizing that they were looking for a second before his eyes met theirs. He smiled at them before looking down at his phone and texting someone. They shrugged, figuring that he was just in a bad mood from texting whoever that acquaintance is that's bringing him an exorcist or maybe he just had a resting bitch face. Either way they thought it was a plausible reason to look so pissy. Their order came out and they grabbed it, thanking the barista and giving him a tip before hurrying back to Chrollo. The pair found a nice seat at an outside table. Y/N slid his coffee over to him before repeating the question they had earlier to him.

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