Chapter 6

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Harry's POV:

"Harry look!!!" Louis said excitedly. I walked over to him with a, "What's up?" "Look!", he repeated while pointing at the bulletin board.

"Woah! We made it in the soccer team!" I said, half excited half not so much. "I know! And our names are together. Definitely not a coincidence." Louis said.

I didn't really want to join the team, but at least Louis's gonna be with me. Anything to make my best friend happy.

We walked to our usual table and saw Niall, Josh and Mason already there. "Guess what?" Louis asked. Niall turned around and smiled, "Hey guys, what's up?" "Harry and I made it in the soccer team!" Louis said excitedly. "That's great! You guys are gonna be awesome!" Niall said while hugging both of us.

The bell rang just as we finished our lunch. "Well, Harry and I have to go for our practice now." Louis said. "Oh yeah! As for me, I have tryouts for the gymnastics and tumbling team." Mason said.

"That's amazing! And hey, if you do join the stunts team. you can cheer for me and Lou from the sidelines at every game." I said winking. "Hopefully" he answered back.

When we got to the soccer field, the other boys were already there. "Okay, now that everyone's here, let's start." the captain said. "But before we begin, I just wanted to say congratulations to everyone for making it on the team. You boys should really be proud of yourself."

After that, he blew the whistle and the co-captain brought out the soccer balls. "If you need any help with anything, my name is Chris and the co-captain is Jamie."

We did a series of drills and warm ups before we actually played a practice game. Louis and I were on different teams. Halfway through the game, the ball was passed on to me. Louis immediately ran towards me and tried to steal the ball.

I saw a guy from my team a few yards behind Louis, so I kicked the ball between Louis's legs. Unfortunately, I kicked a bit too hard and lost my footing and fell.

I fell on top of Louis and he landed on the ground, grunting. He rubbed the back of his head and said, "This happens a lot to us a lot, huh?" I laughed before getting off of him. I helped him up just as Chris called me.

"I'll be back." I said to Louis and ran towards the captain. "Watch your footing, Styles." He spat. "Yes sir." I said. He shot me a mean look before turning away.

While we were playing, I saw Chris giving me a lot of evil looks. I shook it off thinking that he's probably mad that I fell. We continued practicing before the coach finally blew the whistle.

"That's it for today, good work boys." The coach said to us. I wiped the sweat off my forehead before grabbing my bookbag from the bleachers. "You did good today, Harry." Louis said reassuringly. "Thanks, even though I completely body slammed you." I said chuckling. He smiled before picking up his own bookbag.

After we were done changing, Louis and I start to walk home together considering our homes aren't too far apart. Louis's over the moon, talking about how happy he felt during the practice game, but I was feeling a bit down. "Lou?"

"Yeah?" He replied. "I don't think Chris likes me that much..." I said sadly. Louis chuckled and wrapped his arm around me. "Now, why wouldn't he like you? He barely knows you! Besides, who would hate someone as adorable and sweet as you?"

I smiled a bit, "I don't know, but whenever he tells me something, he always sounds so....vile." "Maybe, he's just like that because he wants to be taken seriously." Louis said.

"That's understandable, but even during the game, I saw him giving me cold looks, and we were on the same team! At first, I thought he was mad because I fell, but even after our team won the game, he still looked angry." I said. Louis shrugged, "Maybe he just had a rough day, who knows?" I nodded my head in agreement, "Yeah..maybe."

We walked home in silence after that. I kept thinking about Chris and all the possible reasons as to why he wouldn't like me, when suddenly Louis nudged my shoulder. "Harry, we're at your home."

I looked up and nodded, "Oh..later Lou. See you tomorrow." "Bye Harry, and don't think abiut it too much." Louis said. We hugged before Liam walked back to his home.

Louis's POV:

"Maybe he had a rough day, who knows? I suggested. He nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah..maybe" That was the last thing Harry said to me before he stopped talking. We continued walking in silence and I was left alone with my own thoughts about what happened an hour ago.

We fell and landed on each other again, only this time he was on top of me...

I smiled at the memory. His frame felt really...good on top of mine, like we perfectly fit together. Personally though, I like him underneath me...

I couldn't help but blush slightly the entire walk home. Luckily, Harry didn't catch me. I just don't get how he can act like nothing all this body contact we share doesn't have any effect on him.

I frowned in realization, of course he can act like nothing happened because he doesn't feel anything towards you.

I shook my head, "No," I thought to myself. "I won't think like that" I smiled, maybe it was a sign that me and Harry should be together? You don't fall on the same person twice in a row, right?

I ran my hand through my hair as i glanced at Harry silently walking besides me, deep in thought.

I wonder what he's thinking about...oh the things I would do to know what runs through his mind...

Another filter chapter💀I promise there will be zarry scenes in the next one

Also I'm really sorry for not updating...I have been really busy...


Hope you have a good day💛💚

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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