Chapter 3

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Dedicated to typical_me20 and

Harry's POV:

I shoved my calculus folder in my book bag and headed for Mr. Malik's classroom. After walking about 10 steps, I was unexpectedly slapped on the back. I turned around to see a smiling Niall. "What's got you so happy?" I said, chuckling a bit.

"Louis, Josh and I are seeing this new movie after school, and you have to come with us." He said. "Niall, I'd love to but-" "Please Haz? It's going to be the four of us!" Niall interrupted me. He batted his eyelashes and gave me a puppy look.

"Niall...I really would love to go, but I have plans today." I said. He frowned, "Plans? Like what?" He asked. "Well, I'm going to Mr. Malik's house for after school tutoring."

Niall raised his eyebrows, giving me a devilish smirk. "Oh....tutoring?" He asked, the smile never leaving his face. "Not like that! He's just going to teach me how to draw and do other artsy stuff. You know....because I suck at art!" I said protesting. It wasn't like I was planning on doing anything else. Right?

"Of course he's just going to teach you how to draw," Niall smirked. "Right after he fucks you." I rolled my eyes as Niall laughs his head off. "You're such a freak." I said, shaking my head. "I'm so happy that it's working out with you and Mr. Malik, unlike me and Mr. Payne." Niall frowned, his baby blue eyes emitting a sad aura.

"Don't think like that, Nialler. Just give it some time." I said, patting his shoulder. I saw Niall's eyes light up again. "Thanks Harry. Well, I better get going. I told Josh and Louis to go to my house and they're probably halfway there. Have fun fucking in a classroom." He said, winking at me.

I groaned. "I'll have lots of fun drawing and painting." I replied. "Whatever you say." Niall chuckled and with that, he's all the way down the hallway. I headed towards Mr. Malik's room.

The door opened and Mr. Malik was standing there. "Oh Harry, I was just about to leave. Come, follow me." He said smiling. I nod my head and we made our way out of the school. Mr. Malik unlocked his black sports car and told me to sit in the shotgun seat. I sat down, admiring the interior.

Mr. Malik sat down on the driver's seat and ignited the engine. "You haven't left anything in school, right?" He asked. I shook my head. "Alright then." Mr. Malik said. He turned on the radio and stepped on the gas.

The ride to his house was quiet, with the exception of the radio playing softly in the background. We stopped in front of a white and royal blue house. "Here's home sweet home." He said, while he pulled out the key to his house. I took a mental note to remember his address while Mr. Malik opened the door and motioned me to go inside. Here goes nothing....

Niall's POV:

I flung my backpack around my shoulder and headed for the school's exit. It totally sucked that Harry couldn't join us, but he had a really good reason, and I'm really happy for him.

I was about to step out of the building when I heard someone call my name. "Niall! Niall Horan!" I heard a stern voice say. I turned around and saw Mr. Payne running towards me. I gulped before answering. "Yes?"

"I have to talk to you, Niall." Mr. Payne said, his face expressionless. "Follow me." He led me to his History classroom which was dimly lit.

"Is there a problem, Mr. Payne?" I asked. "Actually there is. Your grades." He sternly said. He motioned me to his computer and my jaw dropped when I saw my grade. It's only the seventh day of school, how could I be failing History?!

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