When reader gets hurt

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-you dumbass!
-be careful next time!
-he said as he treated your wound on your knee..i tripped and landed rough on the floor and senku was shook at my wound and he prantically dragged me to tend it


-he is worried
-he would immediately wash of your wounds and tend it
-he will give you a kiss and "Baby be carefull when running okie?" He said and gave me a hug


-when you were cutting you accidentally cutted your finger..ukyo heard your hiss and he walk up to you to see what was going on and he started to clean  your cut and it was pretty deep so he grabbed a clean cloth to stop the blood "baby be carefull when your cutting..your making me worry and ill continue it you rest ok?" He said and i just nodded


-he would be real worried and scared that he might lose you when you just freaking stapled your finger
-dont ask me why
-he immediately runs you to hospital
-he scolded you after


-this guy would just bandage your wound and then kisses you
-after that he would cuddle you saying nothing at all
-but secretly when your asleep he is checking your wound regularly


- he will push up his glasses and looks closer to the wound
-he will gently tend it to make sure it wont hurt more
-he will give you his phone to distract you from pain
-babe what is this on your search history "how to be a better boyfriend tsundere" and he immediately deleted it


-he will immediately hug you and tries to disinfect your wound
-he will gives you a long sweet kiss to comfort you
-he would also cuddle you


-he will look closely to your wound and tries to look like a doctor
-a scientific doctor
-he will kiss your head and hug you


-this would be bringing the hospital to your home
-a simple cut and he would bring a surgeon to tend it and it make feel embarrassed somehow but he is sweet
-he is also overacting everything

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