Seventeen: Purgatory

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God, sometimes I hated how much of a smooth motherfucker Grayson was.

"Oh, leave him alone."

I knew you were my favorite, Madie.

"Now," she said, breaking away from Bren to give me a hug and earning me a very definite glare from the emo-boy. "I never got to say thank you for the Christmas present. So thank you for the book, Beau. And good luck today. Be careful, okay?"

Oh, sweet Madie. Hugging her back, I nodded, realizing that I hadn't actually watched any of them open their gifts. Not the vinyl for Nessa and Bren or the sheet music for Grayson. I had been too preoccupied with Collins, which made me twinge a bit in regret. But based on the grins and the thank yous going around the room, no one was too put out about it.

"Okay, I gotta run." Throwing on my coat, I grabbed my snowboard and marched to the front door, knowing that I would have to hustle my ass to get to the gondola in time. "Have a chill morning, guys. I'll see you on the slopes at noon?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Bren said, flashing me a grin that told me he'd forgiven me for temporarily stealing his girlfriend.

I was two steps out of the front door when my name stopped me in my tracks.


I jerked back. My heart immediately stilled, like her voice had a hold on it. Ridiculous organ, such a simp. It was going to cause me cardiac arrest one of these days. But then my lungs crapped out on me, too, as soon as I turned around. Because good heavens. Collins, in all her curly-haired, gorgeous glory, stood in the entryway. And she was still wearing my clothes. My shirt. My pants. Mine.

Yeah, sorry, sweetheart, but we really can't be friends. It's not going to work for me.

"Stop buying me boots!" she said, stomping her foot down on the porch. Angrily. Well, this wasn't exactly what I was hoping to hear. Maybe a good luck, Beau. Or a be safe, Beau. Or let's ruin our friendshipthat would work, too.

My eyes lowered to the pair of snow boots tucked beneath her arm.

Oh yeah, forgot about those.

A grin wormed its way onto my face. "Now, why would I do that?"

"Because I don't need them."

I looked around pointedly. My parents' place sat tucked away in a grove of Evergreens that was secluded but not too distant that I couldn't walk to the mountain's base and easily catch a lift. A path led off the property, shrouded by rows of trees. And it was also completely covered in a fresh coat of snow.

"They're snow boots."

Her eyebrows pulled together. "I know what they are."

"Okay, just checking. Because there sure as hell is a lot of snow out here."

"I can see the snow, Beau."

"Oh, good." I shoved my helmet onto my head, adjusting my goggles on top so I wouldn't have to carry them. "Then you agree that having snow boots is a good idea."

She sniffed. Rolled her eyes a little. Sassy, wasn't she? That attitude hadn't been around an hour ago. She wasn't so obstinate about taking what I was offering, then. Begging for more of it, actually.

Oh, God. Was she going to be able to see my semi-hard cock through my snow pants?

"Maybe I have my own boots."

"Do you?" When she didn't immediately answer, I added, "You're from a place that averages zero inches of snow a year. Why would you have your own boots?"

Collins didn't seem to have an answer for that. She sighed before wagging a finger at me. "Fine, but I'm going to pay you back. For these and the rain boots."

I stiffened. "Please don't do that. They're gifts."

Shifting the boots from beneath one arm to the other, Collins lowered her voice. "I thought we established that I don't like charity, Beau."

The snow crunched as I took one step toward her, wanting to keep my voice just as low as hers. Compared to this morning, it felt like we had an ocean between us, and I longed to eat up the space. I wanted to do things I hadn't done earlier. Like reach out and touch her.

But it wasn't time for that.


Collins seemed to be holding her breath as she waited for my response, and I kicked my mouth up in a smirk.

"And I thought we established this morning that I enjoy the fuck out of doing things for you," I muttered.

That did it. I rendered her speechless. Felt kinda good, too. Although it wasn't the first time. And it wouldn't be the last.

"Wear the boots today, Collins," I called over my shoulder, hoisting my board up beneath one arm. "I don't want to be worrying about your feet when I'm trying to land a double-cork."

I caught a glimpse of her suddenly stricken expression and winced.

"I'll be careful, okay?" I added.

She nodded adorably. The boots started to slip out of her grip, and she hoisted them back up into her arms. With a shake of my head—a shake that acknowledged how fucked I was for this girl—I took off down the path.

So late, I was so late.

"Did you at least eat something for breakfast?" Collins yelled after me.

I grinned and spun around, walking backward as I hollered in return.

"You know I did, baby girl!"

🏂we're cheering for ya beau 🏂

thanks for reading!!
xoxo amelie

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