𝟏𝐤 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫 ^

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Hello!!! this is just a blooper of what I wrote before I published the actual 1k special also like where tf did mona come from-

There he stood. His mouth opened slightly and it felt like his heart was stabbed with ten thousand knives. He wanted to run. Run so far away that no one could ever find him. Four pairs of eyes stared at him as he stood in front of them.

The golden eyes that belonged to that brunette he's seen way too many times before, looked at him with a sorrowful gaze. "Childe I'm-" Before he could finish he was interrupted by a tall lady who was one of Childe's fellow harbingers. "Save the chit chat for later boys. I fulfilled my end of the deal so hand me the gnosis." Signora faced Zhongli and held out her pale hand. Slowly the brunette took out his hand opening his palm revealing a gold and brown chess piece. It was glowing and hovering above the male's hand.

Signora quickly snatched it with her own and held it up looking at it through the light. "Our contract has been fulfilled. Have a good retirement~" Signora made her leave with a bang to Childe's heart. It was so much to take in. The man he has been dating for months now is the geo archon himself? Did he make a contract with the fatui.. for retirement?

"Your just a manipulator aren't you? You used me, didn't you? You're a backstabber, Morax. I thought we were something. But to you, I guess not." Zhongli rushed to grab Childe's arm but it was too late. Childe ran out of the doors of the Northland bank.


It was dark. His eyes were full of anger. Only his hydro blades made from his vision were visible, slashing his way through hilichurls one by one. Bloodstained his clothing as well as his face. He didn't care though. "This isn't good enough." Childe dropped a dead hilichurl body on the ground leaving nature to clean it up.

The ginger slowly moved onto mitachurls, ruin guards, and abyss mages but nothing quenched his thirst for a real fight. Childe stood atop Guyun stone forest with his fellow weapon in hand. He stared into the blue-black sky that was full of stars. Usually, he wasn't fond of stars but they caught his eye today.

"You're up here for the same reason as well?" a prominent voice said. Childe pointed his weapon in the direction of the voice and the figure put their hands up. "Calm down Mr. Fatui, I'm just looking at the stars." The girl was wearing quite the outfit that really showed her body. It was blue and purple with specks of gold. Her hair was purple and had 2 long ponytails. Atop her head sat a big hat that matched her outfit. "Who are you?" the ginger whispered under his breath.

"I am astrologist Mona Megistus, meaning the great astrologist Mona." She said proudly. "Oh look!" Mona said, pointing to the sky. It's the one day a year you can see 2 constellations together!" She sat down on the edge of the rock and kicked her legs a little bit patting the rock beside her signaling Childe to sit next to her.

"Stars are pointless." Childe mumbled, turning away from Mona. Mona turned her head slowly summoning a water bubble with her vision. She used both hands to enlarge the bubble and move it over Childe. Suddenly there was a big splash. "Hey! what was that for??" Childe said his hair soaking and blood-stained water pooling below him. "Stars are NOT useless." Mona pouted. "Back to what I was saying, this year it seems to be Monoceros Caeli and Historia Antiqua" Mona hummed and closed her eyes. "the stars are telling me that your future isn't very bright."

"Thanks, I knew that already." Childe sat beside Mona and gazed upwards. "Talk to him you asshole." Childe turned his head and his eyes were wide open. "Excuse me?" "The stars tell me everything now go." Mona did some sort of movement with her hands that Childe was confused by and suddenly he fell into a hole created by the astrologist. Mona gave a little wave and closed the portal.


Childe was falling for minutes now. 'what is this thing?' Finally, he reached another hole-shaped thing he fell through earlier. His head was greeted with the stone bricks of Liyue harbors streets. Childe stood up and rubbed his head. "That hurt like hell" Childe didn't want to be here. It reminded himself of him too much.

Childe looked around and then he spotted a certain someone. He was sitting at the storytellers sipping a cup of hot tea. 

(770 words)

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