She turns off the safety.

"Do it. What's one more person right?" I egg her on.

There's a small flash in her eyes, her resolve is faltering. She really can't do it. She's weak.

"C'mon, pull the trigger. You want to, besides I have nothing to live for. I have no place in this world."

With that she lowers her gun.

"How are you the best they had?" I chuckle "You're so weak."

Before I can get a reaction out of her some pirate looking dude with an eye patch enters the room.

"Agent Romanoff, you need to leave," he orders.

"I'm fine, I have it under control," she protests.

"No, you don't, go."

Natalia leaves and the pirate guy sits down in front of me.

"So, your really from the red room?" He asks.

"Obviously," I sigh.

"Okay," pirate guy says.

I stare ahead at him. That's it. Just 'okay'.

"So I'm assuming you were sent to kill Natasha. Seeing as you've tried to that a couple times now."

Really the fact that he feels the need to ask these questions when the answers are obvious is annoying me.

"Yes, and frankly I don't know why you wouldn't want me to. She's no better than I am and I'm sitting, locked in an interrogation room. In fact she's killed more people than I have," I reply.

"How many people have you killed?"

A thin smile crosses my lips "seven thousand, four hundred, ninety three. Give or take."


Again his response slightly annoys me. 7493 is a fairly impressive number for a seventeen year old. It warrants more than an okay. But he doesn't give me more than the okay. Instead, he stands up to leave.

"We're done for the day," with that, I'm led back to my cell.

The Next Day

N a t a s h a:

"You are not going back in there," Fury orders.

"Look, I'm the best person to talk to her, I'm the only one that knows what it's like in there," I protest.

"After what happened yesterday? I don't think so."

"I can handle it okay, just let me do this."

He sighs "fine, but take Barton."

I nod and Clint follows me inside of the interrogation room. Clint leans against the wall while I sit in the chair across from Avalina.

"I wasn't sure if I would be seeing you again anytime soon," Avalina comments.

"You're not getting rid of me anytime soon I'm afraid," I say, leaning back in my chair.

"Disappointing," she shrugs.

"So, how long have you been in the red room for?" I ask wanting to get straight to the point.

"Since I was four, so thirteen years."

I'm surprised she answers my question at all.

"Any idea where it's located?"

"Nope," she shrugs.

"How about who works their, any names you can give us to trace?" I'm trying to get literally any piece of information I can.

"Definitely not."

"So you know nothing, nothing at all?"


I sigh "you have two options at this point. Cooperate with us, or spend the rest of your life in a shield penitentiary where they'll have more drastic ways to get answers out of you."

"I'm not going to become a traitor like you," Avalina retorts.

"Okay well, someone will be down to your cell to process your transfer to one of our facilities later," I shrug "we're done here."

A u t h o r ' s   N o t e

I've literally had this written since the beginning of March and I just forgot to upload it. Oh well. Anyway thank you soooo much for all the reads on this story!!!!!!! I'm planning on rewriting this chapter later cuz I kinda don't like it lol but for now here it is.

Tik Tok and Instagram: TellThemYourself

Word count: 1257

V I R U L E N T   n.romanoff Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora