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N a t a s h a

As soon as I walk in, Fury's already yelling at me.

"You can't just hang up on me like that Romanoff. What if..." Fury trails off as I grab a tissue from my desk and pinch it around my profusely bleeding nose.  

"What the hell happened?" He asks.

"I got into a fight with a teenager," I shrug.


"Some girl was following me and then she tried to kill me so I tried to kill her back," I explain.

"Why didn't you call for back up?" He demands.

"She was interesting, plus I had it under control."

"Your broken nose doesn't look like you had it under control," Clint says from across the room.

"Shut up Clint," I scowl before turning back to Fury "besides, by the time I realized I needed back up it was too late."

"Meaning?" He quirks a brow.

"Meaning I though she was just a kid trying to mug me, but then I realized it seemed more like she was trying to kill me," I shrug and sit down at my desk "not to mention she seems to have had some kind of training before because the fact that she was able to land some solid blows at all says something."

Fury sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose "okay, do you think it was a random attack?"

"She seemed to know who she was looking for," my nose is refusing to stop bleeding, making me somewhat irritated.

"Can you give me a description at least?"

"Sure, just let me fix this first," I gesture to my nose.

Without hesitation I quickly set my crooked nose back, biting my lip hard, trying to ignore the pain. I exhale slowly and return to using the tissue to try to staunch the bleeding.

"Ouch," Clint feels the need to add.

I roll my eyes before preparing my description of the girl, "she was probably somewhere between sixteen and twenty two, maybe 5'2", 5'3"? Blonde hair blue eyes. No distinguishing marks as far as I could tell. I mean it's dark so I can't be sure. She seemed to be American. Pretty basic overall."

"That's pretty broad Natasha," Clint says and I realize he's been writing down what I've been saying.

"I know," I sigh, but then remember I have her gun in my waistband.

"Here," I put the gun on my desk "it's hers, see if you can get a print."

Fury grumbles something under his breath before taking the gun and leaving.

A v a l i n a

I decide it's in my best interest to lay low for a few days, since Natalia has my gun it means she has a way to identify me. It's my first mission and really so far I'm failing.

To my surprise, two days after my first encounter with Natalia, everything has remained peaceful. I figured shield would have found me by now, and I was ready not them, but they didn't come. Which frankly is probably good, because my fighting skills are probably somewhat diminished due to the fact that it's nearly impossible to sleep in that hotel room.

On the third day I resign to the fact that I'm going to have to attack first, this time I go in with a plan. My last attempt was sloppy, this one won't be. This time I will not fail.

I need to be smart this time so I throw on a black tank top and follow that with the bullet proof vest I was so graciously gifted. I throw on a dark sweatshirt with the name of the college I'm supposedly going to imprinted on it. I stock my backpack with everything I need, and after securing all of my weapons other than the gun that has been stolen from me, I leave the hotel. Since it's the middle of the day I doubt anyone will find me out of place.

V I R U L E N T   n.romanoff Where stories live. Discover now