Chapter 4

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OLIVER  (my poor sweet baby😢) 


I stare at the ground, watching the occasional pair of feet shuffle by me in the hallway. I clutch my textbooks and fix my glasses as I make my way to geometry. A.K.A The only class that has Kendall in it. This should be great.

I walk in just as the bell rings and walk to my desk at the very back. I like it there. It's quiet and I don't have to speak unless the teacher calls on me. The only thing I hate about it, is that Kendall sits beside me. Of course. I didn't mind it before, but with what happened on the weekend, I've been dreading it. I've seriously considered dropping the class. 

"Good morning stu-" Mr. Fernigan is interrupted by the 'fuckboy' walking through the doors. Late. As usual. "Would you care to explain why you were late Mr. Killian?" He crosses his arms in annoyance and looks at Kendall expectantly. 

Kendall however, rolls his eyes. "I'm your soon to be alpha. Why would I have to explain anything to you?" Crossing his arms he pats his foot impatiently on the ground, sneaking a quick glance my way which I skillfully pretend not to notice.

"Well you're not my Alpha yet, young man. I would suggest you take a seat before you get another detention." He gestures to his seat beside me.

Kendall huffs in irritation and turns to face the class. He locks eyes with me and I turn my head back to my paper, writing my name and the date at the top. My ignoring him is not very effective apparently because I hear a growl and an intense stare boring into the top of my head. I assume they're Kendall's growls and not Mr. Fernigans anyway.

I hear his shoes hit the ground softly as he makes his way over to to the back of the class. I'm hit by his amazing scent and have to stifle a whine. He sits down next to me, and I can tell he hasn't taken his eyes off of me. Mr. Fernigan continues his lesson on finding the area of a triangle. It's just a review so it's pretty easy.

I write down notes and flinch every time I hear Kendall take in a deep breath and let it out satisfied. I can only assume he's taking in my scent, which makes me unbelievably angry. Just a day ago he was trying to kill me for being his mate, but now he's smelling me? I give up my annoying ignoring act and turn my head to glare at him. I try to make it look as angry as possible.

Apparently it worked, because his eyes turn from gold, to red and back to brown. I swear I hear him let off a whimper but that's stupid. I turn my attention back to Mr. Fernigan, who's now onto talking about a test we have on Thursday.

I guess the glare didn't do as much as I thought it did. He's staring at me even more intensely now.




Mr. Fernigan keeps talking about how to find the area of a dodecahedron or whatever. I'm not paying any attention to him.

All I can look at is the work of art that sits right beside me. How did I not notice him before?! He's perfect. The way his dirty blonde hair falls in front of his face, the way I can see his green eyes reflecting everything around him, the way his chest moves up and down when he breathes. Not to mention his scent. Oh his scent is just mesmerizing. I just want to pull him onto my lap and mark him while I f-... I won't finish that sentence. 


I settle for breathing his scent in deeply and letting it go loud enough for him to hear. It seems to work because he turns to look at me, not with the look I wanted to see on him though. I wanted his eyes to be black. I wanted not to be able to see the green anymore. I wanted his eyes to be clouded with unimaginable lust. God, what I would do to see that guy on his knees begging. 

Instead of lust, his eyes turn from his beautiful green into a dark, ruby red. They stay that way until I accidentally let my eyes turn to gold. Damn it. I love it when he's angry. I let my eyes turn to red to show that I'm mad at him for ignoring me, but it doesn't stay long because I unintentionally whimper at his glare. His eyes turn back to green and I could see a little remorse. He shakes it off though and turns his attention back to the lesson. 

God, what I could do to him.


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