July 24th, 1873

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Last night did not live up to the excitement. I did get my hair powdered and Wilma gave me 2 beautiful braids, and she seemed to be more shakey than usual (which is quite strange).  The event did not climax the way I thought it would. Mother finally invited me into our families club, I was pretty excited to receive the robe and beautiful cape, but my inauguration was weird. Apparently, our club is called the Ku Klux Klan, abbreviated towards the KKK. My father runs it in our town.. (I don't understand why people keep choosing him as a leader, he's quite rude.) But they did. A weird bonfire was lit and they started saying some horrible words about our fellow sisters and brothers. I don't understand why they are doing this and or what we gain from it- but tomorrow night we will have our first official meeting. I'm pretty excited but I'm worried that I will have to hear that language again. I enjoyed it when we prayed but besides that, the event did not live up to its name. 

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