Chapter Thirty-Five

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Celene landed on the slick surface of the building roof, knees barking in protest.

She spun around, pistol still clutched in her hand. Rainwater dripped down her face, plastering her hair to her head. She swore at Bane in her head, still out of breath. Easy job my ass.

He appeared seconds later, the bounty slung over one shoulder. His rocket-propelled boots allowed him to drop easily onto the roof. Celene scanned behind him.

"Were you followed?"

He gave a look that said she should know better than to ask if he was followed. She just shrugged and holstered her gun. "You said this would be an easy grab and go."

"Was it not?"

She gritted her teeth. "You're an asshole."

"If I had told you all the details, you never would have agreed to the deal. Am I wrong?"

He had a point. "If we're done here, I want my cut so I can leave this shit planet."

Bane crossed the short distance of the roof, punching in the code to the door built into the wall. Celene followed him inside, the doors sealing behind her. The elevator dropped and then opened with a soft hiss, revealing the lavish common area of Bane's massive residence.

Celene stalked across the floor, boots squelching with every step. She was soaked to her bones, most of her clothes would be ruined after this. She peeled off her sodden jacket and wrung out her hair, dripping dirty water on the floor.

Bane grimaced and then dumped the bounty in the corner, the kid still out cold. "What'd we agree on?" He mused. "5%?"

Celene folded her arms. "15%."

Bane opened a panel in the wall, retrieving two glasses and a bottle of green-colored liquid. "What if I can offer you something else, other than credits? Something better."

She scoffed and took the drink he held out to her. "What the hell could you possibly offer me that's better than a payday?"


Celene went absolutely still.

Bane took a slow sip of his drink. "How much time do you have?" He jerked his head to her now exposed neck. "Those bruises aren't from your Mandalorian, I'll assume. He doesn't seem the type."

Celene swore silently, holding up her glass to see her reflection in the metallic side. Black and blue bruises decorated her neck and she knew they went down her shoulders too. "Shit." She lowered the glass.

"How long?" Bane asked again.

"I don't know. I've had the first two doses. All I need is the third."

"Soon, I gather."

"Yes." She folded her arms. "Soon."

He pushed himself off the counter. "Follow me."

Celene took another swig of her drink, grimacing at the bitter taste, and followed Bane to the back hall of his apartment. He opened a vault, protected by code, finger scanner, and retinal scan. The lights blazed overhead as she stepped inside. The walls were lined with every type of object known to man. Treasure, guns, boxes, data pads- the list went on.

Celene turned to Bane with raised eyebrows. "How the hell do you have all this?"

He stepped between two shelves. "I learned there are things of much greater value than credits in the galaxy." He opened a small box on a low shelf and withdrew a vial of blue liquid.

Celene's breath caught. "How the hell do you have that?"

Bane shrugged. "Don't remember."

"Bullshit. How do I know it's real?"

"That's a risk you'll have to take."

She blew out a breath. "What do you want? I can't possibly pay you anything equal to the amount of that."

He shook his head. "All I ask is that you owe me a favor I can call in at any time, anywhere."

Celene ground her jaw. A favor. She knew how dangerous that could become. Bane could ask her to execute anyone- do anything and she'd have no choice but to follow through. He could do it tomorrow or he could do it years from now. But Bane wouldn't forget, Celene knew him too well, and eventually, she'd have to follow through on her end. A deal was a deal.

What choice do I have?

She didn't have a choice and Bane knew that too. He'd always been a master manipulator, a skilled planner. He had her backed into a corner and he knew it.

"Alright. I owe you. Deal." She held out her hand for the vial.

Bane nodded. "Deal." He dropped the vial into her waiting palm and Celene wasted no time, uncapping it and swallowing the blue liquid. She looked at the empty vial. "Time will tell if it's real or not. Like I said before- if I find out you fucked me over-"

Bane raised his hands. "You know I wouldn't."

They exited the vault and Celene grabbed her soaked jacket. Bane leaned against the counter. "Headed to Tython, I presume."

"Yes." Celene slipped the jacket on, grimacing at the feel.

"To hunt the Jedi."

"To find the Jedi," Celene corrected.

Bane took a drink. "The Jedi will try to kill you the second you show your face."

"I know."

"And yet you still go?"

Celene checked her weapons. "It's unavoidable. This is something that must be done."

He sighed heavily. "Well, if you ever bore of the Mandalorian, you know where to find me."

Celene rolled her eyes. "Goodbye, Bane."

He tipped his hat to her, characteristically. "Until next time, Avyanna."

Celene stepped outside, the cold water instantly lashing her in the face. The door slid shut behind her, the locks automatically clicking into place. She pulled her jacket up, bowing her head against the rain.

By the time she reached the docking station where her ship was, the rain has picked up and showed no signs of stopping. She hurried inside and stood dripping in the main hangar. She listened for a few seconds but the ship was silent. Both Grogu and Din must be asleep.

She took a few squelching steps down the corridor before she heard the hiss of a door and Din emerged, without his helmet or armor. It was still such a shock to see his face after all this time of staring at an expressionless helmet. It still caught her off-guard. He took his her sodden appearance. "Well?"

Celene sighed and pushed past him into her quarters. "Follow me. I'll tell you everything."

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