Chapter 9

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[A/N]~ Ok, guys as promised I have a next chapter out before my deadline was due which is today.

Just as fast as Shu pulled me into his bath and flipped me over, Latio opened the door with a huge smile on his face, but it completely changed when he saw Shu on top of me.

Ana: What's wrong Latio?

Me, completely oblivious as to why he would be mad whilst he throws Shu off of me and into the now shattered mirror.

All Latio gives me is a scornful look, and all I think is, 'What did I do?' After he gets me out of the bathroom with Shu now missing and blood shattered on the ground and then I feel a feeling that I've been trying to avoid for 5 years. Blood.

I whimper as the luscious blood of one of the brother's blood enters my nostrils -I really hate that word-.

Latio: Are you okay, Ana?

He's says my name in a concerned tone of voice and it starts to occur to me that that's the first time he called my name and also the first time that someone sounded like they cared. A-And I don't want him to die, I have to warn him..before it's too late.

Ana: Latio...Get all of the brothers and yourself out of here before it's too-

[A/N]~ By the way, she never said anything about Yui. (^_-)

A pain shoots through me as I try to finish my sentence and the hunger starts to get stronger.

Latio: Ana, I don't understand. Before what!?

Ana: Run!

My voice sounds strained and kind of like a banshee's screech. I haven't fed since 5 years ago, happened.

But Latio made no move to leave the residence, so I did the next best thing. I jumped out the window and quickly transported as far as I can, which just happened to be, a graveyard.

Now inside the familiar scented area, but it's not like I've been here before, no. It's because it smells like death something I've grown used to after the age of 11 and it didn't help that I was a mass murderer once at the age of 12.

The police couldn't figure out that, they just labeled it as a missing person's case and sat down on their doughnut produced behinds whilst at least 100 and more people started 'disappearing' for 2 years straight, all in the same area, the church. But I like to call it the Nun House.

Their seemed to be a funeral going on but the only thing I could process was their pumping hearts whilst blood circulation raced through their thin coats of skin.

Ana: Oh, how stupid of human beings to just let themselves be out in the open in the middle of a graveyard. Haven't they heard of zombies?

That voice, it's back. And I am no longer in control of my body but HE is.

Hello. Adam.

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