Suspicious Minds - Pt. 13

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Portia's sound asleep tucked in her cozy bed of her house. Joseph's laying in the bed next to her with his shirt off, and he's watching her sleep.

" I didn't think it would be that easy." Joseph murmured.

Portia starts to wake up, stretches, and she turns around and sees Joseph.

" Oh, hey. It's you. Wait, what exactly happened here last night?" Portia panicked.

" You mean... what happened between us?" Joseph asked.

" Yeah, I think we drank too much and—." Portia replied.

Joseph caresses Portia's arm.
" And we slept together." Joseph added.

" This is all one big mistake.... It shouldn't have happened." Portia announced.

" Well, it's too late to back out now. It already happened, so why stop now?" Joseph asked.

Portia goes to her phone on the dresser by the bed, and picks it up after seeing a lot of voicemails and messages.

" Oh my god. I have a lot of messages from Spencer and Ava. How did I not hear them calling and texting?" Portia said, worriedly.

" I'm sorry, who's Ava and Spencer?" Joseph asked.

Portia starts to read the messages. " They're really good friends with my daughter." Portia added.

" Oh, well. Is everything okay?" Joseph asked, curiously.

" No, it isn't. Trina's missing." Portia replied, getting up from the bed with her phone, putting on her clothes and leaving the room.

Joseph sighs.

" That went well... I guess." Joseph said, seriously.

Back at Esme's place, Trina is inside a empty room cuffed to a bed.

" I feel like a prisoner. Please let me go, Esme." Trina said, trying to loosen up the handcuffs, but it won't come off.

Esme sitting down in a chair next to the bed.
" No, I think I like you like this. Besides, we're gonna be getting some company in a couple of minutes." Esme added.

" What are you talking about?" Trina asked, worriedly.

Filing her nails. " Don't you worry, Trine. Everything's gonna be fine. I won't let them hurt you." Esme said.

" What's going on? Why are people coming here?" Trina asked, nervously.

" Because you have a performance to do." Esme announced.

Trina sighs. " I'm not doing anything for you. What I want to do is go home to my mom and friends ." Trina replied.

" And by friends, you mean Spencer?" Esme asked.

Trina rolls her eyes. " If that makes you feel better knowing that, then why not?" Trina said.

Stops filing her nails. " What's with the attitude, Trine?" Esme asked, pretending to be serious.

" Can you stop calling me that? My name's Trina. With an 'a' at the end." Trina replied.

Esme's phone beep, she gets a notification.

Looking at her messages. " Uh oh, seems like they're here already. Are you prepared?" Esme added.

" Go to hell, Esme." Trina replied, seriously.

" Oh! If I'm going there, you're coming with me. Last I checked, adultery is a sin too. But in your case, I don't think you're that grown." Esme said, putting her phone in her back pockets.

" Yeah?, well. You and Spencer aren't married either." Trina replied.

Esme sighs. " Oh, so that still makes it right to pine over someone else's boyfriend?" Esme asked, frustratedly.

" Ex- boyfriend." Trina added, seriously.

There's a knock on the bedroom door.

Esme hears it and looks toward the door.
" I told them to come in whenever they're ready. The question is... are you ready?" Esme asked.

Trina becomes nervous, and she says something in her head:

" I know he'll find me. I know he will." Trina said, inside of her head.

Esme gets a call from Cameron. She pulls her phone back out when she hears it ring.

" Well, look at that. It's your bff, Cam." Esme said to Trina. Esme answers the phone.
" What do you want?"

" Thank you for answering. There's something I need to tell you, it's best if we talk in person." Cam said, on the other end of the phone.

" Alright, fine. I'll meet you at the Metro Court." Esme replied.

" Deal." Cam responded, hanging up the phone.

Esme puts her phone back in her pockets.
" I may be leaving, but that doesn't mean that what I had planned here is over. " Esme said at Trina, leaving out of the room.

Trina tries hard to break out of the handcuffs. But she realizes, she has a Bobby pin in her hair. She puts her head down and grabs it.

" Okay, I got it! This has to work. I have to get out of here so I can get home to my family." Trina said, putting the Bobby pin in between the center of the handcuffs where the key usually goes.

Trina's picking at the handcuffs, trying to unlock it.

One of the guys named Mateo, looking muscular come into the room and catches Trina.

" Well, look what do we have here?!" Mateo said, eyeing Trina, licking his lips.

Trina hides the Bobby pin.

She's nervous. Her heart is racing.

" Spencer, please come rescue me. I'm counting on you." Trina said, in her head.

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