Party Gone Wrong - Pt. 8

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It's a new day in Port Charles, and let's not forget to mention that it's the Wintertime. So the 'Get Well Soon' party for Cam was thrown indoors at Cam's mother, Elizabeth's home.

Everyone was dressed up in sparkly dresses and clean tuxedos to make this day extra special for Cam. But everyone means just the family and friend circle. 

Elizabeth and her supposed boyfriend Finn are in the kitchen, chatting, having a drink while the teens stay in the living room sitting by and on the couch.

" This was a lot of fun. Thank you guys for putting together this party for me." Cam said, looking at Joss, Trina and Spencer.

" No problem, Townie." Spencer replied.

Cam gives Spencer a smirk look.

" So now that we've pulled this party off. Who's ready for dessert?." Spencer asked, everyone.

Trina shakes her head in disagreement.
" Nah, I'm good. I just want to be here with Cam." Trina replied.

Spencer's taken aback.
" Oh. I didn't know that." Spencer said, in a low-pitched voice.

" Yeah, I know it's pretty random. But Cam needs someone here for him." Trina replied.

" But Joss is here. Why do you need to be here for Cam?." Spencer asked Trina.

Joss sighs.
" Yeah, what's going on Trina?." Joss added.

" Nothing's going on. I just want to be here for my friend." Trina replied.

" Are you okay, Trina?" Spencer asked.

" Guys, I'm fine. Can we just continue with the party please?" Trina added.

" The party's already over." Spencer said.

" Spencer... Are you getting jealous?." Trina asked.

" Okay everyone, can we just remember why we're here." Cam said, looking back and forth between Spencer and Trina. 

Spencer sighs, gets up and leaves out of the house in a hurry.

" Why did he just leave?." Joss asked.

" I don't know. " Trina replied.

" I'm gonna go after him." Joss said, getting up and running after Spencer.

Cam looks at Trina.

" So you wanna tell me what's really going on?." Cam asked Trina.

" Okay, I know it's wrong to do this. But I had to get Spencer riled up, because I'm planning a birthday surprise for him. I wanted to know if you'll help me with it." Trina replied, seriously.

Cam's confused. " You want me to help you with Spencer's birthday surprise?." Cam said, eagerly.

" Yeah, but you don't have to." Trina replied.

" No, It's fine. I wanna do it. Besides it'll give me something to do while my voice fully recovers." Cam added, with a smile.

Trina smiles. " Alright, so you're in?."

" I'm in." Cam answered.

Trina goes to hug Cam just as Joss and Spencer walk back in to see the hug.

Spencer coughs. " What's going on here?."
Spencer asked.

" Yeah, I would like to know the same thing."
Joss said.

Trina and Cam stop hugging. Spencer's heart is racing from frustration.

" It'a not what it looks like. I was just giving Cam a hug." Trina added.

" But why?." Spencer fumed.

Finn and Elizabeth run into the living room.

" What's going on in here?." Liz asked.

" Ask your son and Trina." Joss replied, looking at Trina and Cam.

" Cam? Care to explain?." Liz asked curiously.

" Mom, Trina gave me a hug. It's no big deal."
Cam replied.

" Yeah, It was a get well soon type of hug."
Trina said.

" Great, so everything should be fine. Right?"
Finn said, looking at everyone.

" Yeah, everything's fine. I just jumped to conclusions. I'm sorry, Trina." Joss said.

Trina smiles at Joss with agreement.

" And you Spencer, how do you feel now knowing that it was a get well soon hug?." Liz asked.

Trina looks at Spencer with worry in her eyes. She knows it's wrong to be upsetting him like this, but it's for a good cause.

Spencer glances at Trina, remaining mute.


SPRINA: Love Is a Four Letter Word Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora