The Wall

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I drive along a curved road, just like everyone else.

As I slowed and blinked, though, it occurred to me that I had something like tunnel vision,

Because as I looked, it amazed me that there was something other than the road

There was something other than the fast speed of the car and the bland road.

There were even other cars near me, as it seemed to be a five lane road instead of the lonely one that I thought it was before.

I turned my car into other lanes, getting to the outer one to stop and look at was ignored for so many years- how could I have missed everything but the road and the speed!

There were things I never thought of, sights I never wondered about, smells I could not describe, and all from just stopping the car and stepping out!

What was I doing until now?

As I looked back to the road, I watched car after car speed past and not stop or slow once.

They were all different, some amazing and others horrible, but all doing the same thing- speeding forward.

What were they all rushing to? Was I really doing the same just a few minutes ago as well?

I looked back from where they were all coming from to see a beautiful paradise and eye watering sight. My breath was gone and I could not move for so long.

I looked to where all the cars- and people in them I realized, like I was not too long ago- were heading, and saw a wall not terribly far ahead.

But the wall was blocking the road, and the cars did not stop.

One after the other, cars began to pound and crash into the wall. I could feel tears and a heart clenching pain in my chest.

I screamed and yelled at the new ones coming to stop and head back to the beautiful place that they were leaving so mindlessly, but it was like I was not even there.

It was too much, I do not know how to handle things like this, How could I make any difference if nothing was working so far? I refused to look at the car I had been in for so long- as if I was only ever in it until now.

I ran back to the paradise that I saw earlier, away from the crashes, and the cars. I refused to believe I was heading in the same direction- that I could have been one of those cars that crashed into the wall.

So I ran.

And then I saw.

In the paradise, there was just two people- the only ones not entering it and leaving straight after for that terrible wall.


And a child.

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