chapter 7 Lizzie

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The boy Xornoth had some how started a fire they were currently trying to put out

She heard a new voice up where he had started the fire "how can I help"

"By getting water to put out the fire" Gem answered

And a new boy she felt like she knew ran past not noticing her

She ran up and splashed the fire with the water she had in the bucket she held

"That's the last of it out" FWhip said as he walked in

"I don't understand what happened" Xornoth said

"That makes two of us" Lizzie aggred

"I was just talking to you three then fire's started around me" Xornoth said

The sound of the boy dashing back encoded down the hall

He ran in a bucket of water in each hand

"We got the fire's out" Gem told him

He dropped the buckets "Lizzie!?"

Her mind flashed with a name Joel

"Yes it's Lizzie" Gem said

How dose he know me. How do I know him she wondered

"She's...not the blue axolotl anymore?" He asked

"No and she can't remember much. She hasn't even been able to recognize her friends" Gem replied

"Your name is Joel right?" Lizzie asked the new boy

He nodded "yes my name is Joel"

Why was his name the only one that had came to her mind so far

"You can remember him" Gem asked

"Only the name" she answered

He had a golden crown and a streak of green in his brown hair

He took a few steps forward towards Lizzie

She only watched him come closer and closer till he was standing right in front of her

He brushed a lose strand of hair out of her face

She felt a odd sense of trust towards him

"Should we leave you two be?" FWhip asked

"Eh I don't think they mind" Xornoth replied

Joel glanced back "can you just be quite"

"Hehe doubt that's gonna work Joel" Lizzie said

"Yeah the Mazlen King doesn't tell me what to do. No one dose" Xornoth replied

"Just one question did Xornoth start the fire's here" Joel asked

"Yes" FWhip and Gem answered at the same time

Xornoth smiled "Which I only find new ways to annoy people"

"Hey uh..Lizzie wanna come to Mazlea for the night" Joel offered

"Sure" Lizzie answered

"Wait FWhip are dose your wings" Gem asked

"Umm.....maybe" FWhip answered

"Have you been hiding you completed them so you can keep riding Violet" Gem asked

"Yes" FWhip answered

She heard footsteps coming down the hall

"Xornoth you promised me you would help with dinner" Scott called

Broken memory's? (a Empires SMP fanfic) *discontinued*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ