The Venoms Of Common Life

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Walter Dillon was a happy man. Of course, money was a bit of an issue but for a man livibg in the town of Dentown in 1876, he could not complain. He had never been married, not that he wanted to, and he had been rather lonely his entire life. But he was happy nontheless, possibly because he cared very little about the future. He lived in the present and did not care much for plans. That was all about to change. It was a sunday evening when the unexpected happened. A man, name of Harrison Cowald assaulted him.
-Your money feller
- I ain't got nothin'!
He didn't think about what was going to happen only about what was happening. He took his revolver and shot Cowald. Thankfully it was dark alreafy and no one seemed to have seen or heard anything. He aproached the man, shocked for what he had just done, to find out the man had a sheriff badge...

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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