Meeting The Future

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"Not again." All three said at the same time. None of them noticed the three adults behind them until a man with dirty blonde hair cleared his throat. This made all three of them whip around.

Next to the man with dirty blonde hair stood a woman with brown, wavy hair, and next to her stood another man with black hair.

"Well, this sure isn't something we see every day." said the woman.

"Excuse me, but where are we?" Rose asks.

"Some things don't change." the brown haired man mumbled, which earned him an elbow to the ribs from the woman. "Ow! What the hell Rosie?!"

"Well you deserved that you numb-skull, Albus Potter!" Rose (F) said. 

This comment earned a snicker from the other man. 

"What are you snickering about, Scorpious Malfoy?" Albus (F) asked.

"Just the fact that you'll fight with Rose until she gets mad and then you cower." Scorpious (F) said.

"As entertaining as this is, watching you two fight, we should probably figure out what to do with...this." Rose (F) said pointing at the younger versions of them selves. "And answer the previous question."

"Okay, but where are we?" Albus asked.

"My flat." Albus (F) answered.

"Yeah. It could use a cleaning Al." Rose (F) said.

"Haha, funny." Albus (F) said.

"Rose, how did we get here?" Scorpious asked.

"I think I turned my time turner forward to much," Rose said pulling out her time turner that now has a crack. "Oh no."

"What?" Albus asked.

"My time turner is broken." Rose responded. "Um, weird question, but are you the future version of the three of us?"

"Yes." Rose (F) said.

"Okay, how can we get home?"

A Trip Back To The PresentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora