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It was a pretty normal day for Harry,after waking up he made breakfast and started with his chores.

In the Afternoon the Dursleys left the house to go somewhere,not before Vernom Dursley pulled his nephew to the side by his hair ,,We will be back in two days and if you DARE to do anything freakish I will personally beat the live out of you Boy ! UNDERSTOOD!?,,

Harry just nodded after his oncle letted him go and continued doing his chores for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow he'll be 11 jears old

It was getting dark outside and Harry had just finished his chores, he decided to eat a toast today,the Dursleys wouldn't miss it.

After he ate the toast he went to bed in the cupboard under the stairs, he had a smal clock in there where he watched the time pass...

...5 minutes till his birthday...

...3 minutes till his birthday...

...1 minute till his bithday...

...30 seconds till his b-day...

...15 seconds till his b-day...

...5 seconds...

... 4 seconds ...

... 3 sec ...

... 2 ...

...1 ...

It was silent...

*knok knok*

Harry left the cupboard to check who knoked at the door...

Slowly he went to opened the door and saw a tall man standing there.

Hey sry this chapter it very short i hope you still liked it

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