Way Back Home

574 14 2

Previously: -

Penelope – Lucas.

Lucas – Yes?

Penelope – I've decided.

Lucas – hmm?

Penelope – I want to live in Obelia with my family.

Present: -

Penelope's POV:

It was the next morning. I woke up to Emily packing my clothes and all my belongings. I was confused for a second, then I remembered I'll be leaving soon. Well every time I think about what happened last night, I keep getting flustered. If I keep thinking about that, I'll probably never be able to face Lucas again. Well, after I got dressed up, I went down stairs. As soon as I went downstairs, I was greeted by Yvonne's warm hugs. She truly was the best. Well, happiness doesn't last long, especially mine. Kallisto was there and staring at me. No idea why, but who cares. I'll probably won't see your face for a very long time.

"Good morning, 'Princess'"

I heard someone say from behind. It was Lucas. Princess? Is that supposed to be nickname or something? Whatever, at least he isn't like Kallisto constantly pulling pranks.

Penelope – "Good morning, Lu"

Lucas – "Lu?"

Penelope – "Well, if you're going to start calling me 'Princess', I might as well give you a nickname"

Lucas chuckled.

Lucas – "Sure, you can call me anything"

I felt that fuzzy feeling again.

Well, since it was my last day at the Eckart manor, Reynold and Yvonne forcefully took me to the dining table to eat with everyone. I've never eaten my food in the dining table with my family. Derrick and the Duke were still mad me for leaving. But since Yvonne forced me, they couldn't do anything. They are really tiring to act innocent in front of Yvonne. I rolled my eyes at them. After I had eaten my breakfast, Vinter had come to see me for the last time. Well, to be exact last time as an Eckart. Everyone was busy preparing for my leave. While, Kallisto was just staring at me. I just looked somewhere else. Kallisto mumbled something but I couldn't really hear him.

"Can't you just stay here it me?" Kallisto mumbled.

"Huh? You said something?" I asked.

"No, nothing" He said avoiding my gaze.

Kallisto's POV:

I went to the Eckart manor again because Yvonne had invited me. she was really sweet. I really liked her. But when I arrived there, she told me everything about Penelope leaving. I don't know why, but it hurt hearing that Penelope's leaving. Then some time later, I saw her coming down stairs. Yvonne just ran to her and hugged her. Then, someone suddenly called Penelope 'princess'. I really don't know why, but my blood started to boil. My blood started to boil even more when Penelope called that magician 'Lu'. Seriously, what's up with these nicknames. After she had breakfast everyone got busy packing everything for Penelope's leave.

"Can't you just stay here it me?" I suddenly mumbled.

"Huh? You said something?" she asked.

"No, nothing" I said avoiding my gaze.

I really didn't know what was happening to me today. It wasn't like me at all to say something like that.

Lucas's POV:

When I went down stairs, I saw princess, her sister and the crown prince standing there. I could see the crown prince staring at princess. It made me mad that he was staring at princess. So without thinking straight I approached Athy.

"Good morning, 'Princess'", I said.

Penelope – "Good morning, Lu"

Lu? I was kind of surprised.

Lucas – "Lu?"

Penelope – "Well, if you're going to start calling me 'Princess', I might as well give you a nickname"

I chuckled.

Lucas – "Sure, you can call me anything"

I literally gave her the permission to call me anything.

After she had her breakfast, everyone went back to packing her things. Then suddenly I heard the crown prince said can't she just live with him. That made my blood boiled. How dare he. He said to Athy. If we weren't for us leaving soon, I would've killed him. Well, after leaving I hope they never meet again. Wait – what am I thinking? I could feel my face heat up. Was I blushing? No way! I never blushed in my life. And here I blushed because of some little girl.

What is happening?

Third Person POV:

The carriage arrived and everyone gave Penelope gifts. But what Eclise, Emily and Yvonne gave made Penelope happy the most. It was boxes to sweets. She literally drooled looking at the sweets. Lucas looked at her not surprised. He already was used to this. In fact, in the past, whenever Athy would be mad at Lucas, he would give her a full box filled with sweets as an apology gift. Everyone said their goodbyes' and the carriage took off. The carriage would arrive the next day. It will be a long journey.

Lucas: Are you happy going back home?

Penelope: hmm!

The younger hummed in response. Soon she started to doze off. Her eyelids kept closing. That made Lucas frown. 'Why can't she just go to sleep? She's really stubborn'

Lucas: if you feel sleepy, just go to sleep.

Penelope: But-

Before she could say anything, Lucas went to sit beside her and put her head on his shoulder.

Lucas: Go to sleep.

Penelope not knowing what to do, fell asleep on Lucas's shoulder, while Lucas took a few strands of hair and started to play with it. Soon, they both fell asleep.

My new life starts from now (discontinued)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu