A New Friend

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It was a hectic day as usual. Penelope woke up with bruises all over her arms again. Tho, she knew who did it, she isn't telling anyone because everyone will think she is lying. 

'Another day and another day of misery. Why even adopt me in the first place if you aren't going to take care of me. Such a waste', Penelope thought.

In the Eckart family, no one really liked her, except Eclise, her personal bodyguard. She had met him at an auction trade. He had saved Penelope from a crazy dude, so she bought him andd now Eclise is Penelope's personal bodyguard. she always talks to Eclise to get the sadness out of her chest. She spends her time chatting with Eclise to pass the time. Eclise was always there listening to Penelope's stories. They were best friends. 

Few Days Later~

It was crown prince Kallisto's birthday. Many noble families were invited, which included the Eckart family as well. The duke Eckart was busy and Reynold didn't want to go because he thinks these types of event are boring. So, that leaves Derrick and Penelope. 

'How nice. My luck couldn't get any better. Why does it have to be Derrick? Why couldn't it be the duke? No, actually, it would've been better if I wasn't even going. I have no wish to see the face of that crown prince. This is the first time I'm wishing this but I wish they would've ignored my existence right now'

Penelope really hated crown prince Kallisto. This was because, in their last encounter, Kallisto had called Penelope out and insulted her as the adopted daughter of the Eckart family. This was embarrasing for both Penelope and the Eckart family.

On The Day Of The Birthday Banquet

Penelope's personal maid, Emily, wanted her to dress extravacantly since it was a birthday banquet. All the nobles are gonna dress fancy and extravacantly. but penelope insisted that she wore a simple dress, nothing too fancy or extravacant. No matter how much Penelope loved jewels she always liked to dess up simple. Of course no one really knew about that other than Eclise and Emily. Well, to be exact, no one really wanted to know.

Penelope was on her way towards the carriage where Derrick was waiting. Derrick was quite surprised that penelope dressed so simply in such a big banquet.

"Never thought i'd be seeing you in such a simple dress before. Guess all that probation must've knocked some sense into you", said Derrick.

' Was that a compliment or an insult? Are you really trying to add spice to my blood when that damned prince already added some? What is wrong with people these days', Penelope thought.

" Anyways, your han -"

Before Derrick could finish saying, Penelope got onto the carriage. Derrick was even more surprised now because Penelope just ignored his hand. So, without thinking he got onto the same carriage as Penelope. Now it was Penelope's turn to be surprised.

" Are you going there on the same carriage as me?", Penelope asked.

" Why? Got a problem?", Derrick asked.

"N-no, of course not"

Durring the whole ride, neither of them talked.

' What is this situation? Didn't I want to get close to my family too? So, why can't I hold up a conversation. I feel like I'm going to suffocate right now'

After sometime, they finally reached the banquet hall which was very relieving for Penelope because it was so awkward and suffocating for her throughout the whole ride. 

" Don't cause any scene here and put our family to shame", Derrick said.

"Yes 1st brother", Penelope said in a bored tone. She had nothing to do here. If she were at home, she could've at least chat with Eclise or Emily.

After a few minutes, the crown prince arrived. Seeing him made Penelope's blood boiled.The moment Kallisto saw Penelope he smirked at her. Okay. That was the last straw for her. She ran out of the banquet hall. It was pretty quiet and peaceful. 

Suddenly an unfamiliar voice called for her.

"Lady Eckart?"

Penelope turned around and saw a man with light purple hair and dark blue-ish purple eyes. It was  Marquis Vinter Verdandi.

"Yes?" Penelope replied.

" May I ask why the lady of the Eckart family here?" Vinter asked.

" Taking in fresh air. What is the Marquis doing here?" Penelope asked.

" it's too loud in there." Penelope replied.

For a moment, nothing could be heard. Only the leaves and bushes rustling in wind could be heard. Tho, there was silence it was comfortable, not like the one Penelope had experienced in the carriage with Derrick. Slowly, Penelope and Vinter started to talk with each other. They became friends. about an hour later, the banquet was over. Derrick and Penelope were going home but on different carriage this time. Penelope felt happy that she made a new friend other than cute innocent animals, Eclise and Emily. 

'Maybe coming here wasn't such a bad idea after all', Penelope thought.

Note :- Here everyone knows that Vinter is a mage and there is no threat against mages.

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