135. Every journey opens

ابدأ من البداية

"I'm asking you something, will you or should I" siya yelled making khushank tear up

"You know I hate crying and that sound" siya shouted where khushank closed his mouth with hand to compress the muffle sound of his fear.

At the same time, sid cam in like a doctor and looked at siya who is looking like a ragging bull.

Siya glared at him and turned her sharp red eyes to khushank who is looking at sid for help unknown the fact that he is not a doctor.

"Mam, please go. Patient need rest. Visiting time is over" sid said calmly trying to read siya mind.

Siya glared at him as if you are dead and left from there before looking at khushank "all the best khushank" every word with came from siya stressed making khushank shiver in fear.

Meanwhile vikranth and Vivek came in, where vikranth checked khushank, sid followed siya who sat on chair outside.

"Doll" sid called but siya didn't said anything

"Doll" sid called carefully looking at her eyes which are not less than a blood and her body is slightly shivering as she is controlling her emotions.

"What" siya snapped where sid unknowingly wet his lips.

Sid took a step and hugged her, immediately siya wrapped her hands around his waist while leaning on stomach as siya sat on chair where sid stood infront of her and cried.

Her tears wetting his shirt but stood silent as sid thought to let her emotions out instead of controlling it.

"Why people are like this? What I had done to them" saying siya cried more.

He don't know how to console he? He didn't get to how to make her strong? As he always believes family is one of the strength that a person gets while the person born. No need to look for someone to cry when a lovely mother hugs and cooe. When an unknown tries to touch the baby a protective father fights and teach the person to stand strong but here it's something different. Added to that she never cry infront of others not atleast infront of mirror saying she can't fight when she cry but now she is crying hard not because of physical painor something but the thing that hurting deep inside her heart.

Sid left with no words for the first time in his life. Everytime he says something to convince her or to achieve her something big or to chase dreams but he didn't get how to console her when her family is itself a enemy in her life that he lost the words and hugged her even more tight.

"Shh.. it's okay doll. I'm with you. Please don't cry" sid said . It's hurting him even more seeing her shattered self.

May be she didn't even cried this much when someone pointed her self respect or dignity.

"It's paining sid, somewhere I know I didn't do anything wrong even though I cried before it didn't hurt this much at that time as I know I didn't do anything wrong yet I faced so many things. But He is my brother sid. I have only him. He..

"Leave it siya, don't think about it. First calm down" sid said while giving water bottle to siya who started hiccuping for continuous cry

Meanwhile, vikranth checked and came out " did you slap him" vivek and vikranth asked at a time where siya drinking water while sid glared at them and immediately shut their mouth

"He need to learn Bhai, because committing suicide is something I won't appreciate it Bhai. The person who dont have a courage to face the world sorry not by themselves they will do. But isn't the point where a person learn something then instead of fighting and over come how can a person kill by themselves" siya said with difficulty

PRINCESS - in search of lovable life ✔︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن