
Start from the beginning

"They are casualties of a war Brigadier" Gurmeet said "We can't do anything"

"People who are not dead are illegally crossing borders and are going to Pakistan sir. Pakistan is unofficially accepting refugees from India. This is an irony! We should stop this" Brigadier said.

"Those treacherous bastards" Gurmeet angrily yelled and everyone startled "Always wanted to go to Pakistan.. Whilst our soldiers are fighting for country they're deciding to go and live in Pakistan as beggars?"

Everyone was silent. Gurmeet was angry and his fists were clenched.

"Order soldiers from LOC to shoot at sight anyone who's trying to cross border illegally" Gurmeet ordered.

Vihaan couldn't believe what he had just heard. Did he really order to shoot people who are trying to seek refuge in other country to save themselves from being slaughtered here under false pretext of being terrorists?

When in 2019 Jammu kashmir's special status was revoked and article 370 was scrapped then people from all states started investing in newly formed union territory. People from all religions started living in Kashmir and it was no more dominated by certain religion People bought houses and started business until the free kashmir moment started rising rapidly.

Kashmiri separatists didn't like the decision and their moment started strengthening and it resulted into civil war when Gurmeet decided to wage the war against separatists.

Now people who were muslims in war zone had option to go to pakistan. People from other religion didn't know how they would be treated in Pakistan. But they couldn't even live in war zone because they would get killed. They couldn't go to any other part of India because armed forces didn't had anything to identify who was terrorist and who wasn't so it was a chaos and everyone was dying.

People who were insurgents whom Gurmeet always called 'Terrorists' were taking advantage of this situation. They hid between civilians and attacked bases. So without thinking Gurmeet asked forces to kill everyone coming in their way!!

"I understand Brigadier what you are saying. I can't let a single terrorist alive so if some people are dying alongside these terrorists then I don't have any problem with that. Let them die but don't let them run away" General ordered.

Brigadier Mahendra couldn't argue further. Vihaan was stunned. He was silent.

"Major Vihaan" Gurmeet said.

"Yes General" Vihaan looked at him.

"I want you to go to War zone. Inspect the situation of people running away to Pakistan" Gurmeet said "Go there and report me back"

"Yes General" Vihaan agreed.


A week later.

It was second day of Vihaan's visit to war zone. Everything was destroyed. The place which was known as Heaven on earth was in ruins now. Vihaan's heart was breaking every minute.

People were being killed. There was No value for human life. Terrorists were killed too but with them thousand of innocents were dead. Many soldiers were dead too but their number was much less than other people.

Casualties of war were high. Money, time, forces everything was being used on 100% capacity. Everyone was just working for war and yet it was going on. It wasn't ending and terrorists were not surrendering.

His last visit was to Army hospital. He was going to inspect it and also meet Himani. She was angry that he never called her or tried to make contact himself. Everytime she would call him and since sometime she stopped doing that. His visit to hospital was a surprise to everyone. No one knew he would stop there. Vihaan had one more reason to go there. Sameeksha!

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