Assuming Leadership

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Doing some record keeping for sanity's sake. Names with skillsets...

Doctors: Marty and Dan

Meteorology engineers: Van and Leon

Biologists: Carter and Jesse

Our hunters and scouts: Jason and Sarah

Mechanical engineers: Laura and Jack


I have a feeling something is wrong. We're on the edge of what appears to be a natural crater, surrounded on its sides by mountains. Down below is what's probably the 'city.' Its much smaller than I expected, and its not putting out any light.

Jason and Sarah are scouting for a safe way down.

It looks like the city is surrounded on all sides by forest, but I thought there would be more noticeable structures. I started asking the team for advice on what to do if the city turns out to be vacant.

The engineers are currently in denial, saying that this 'can't be the case.' They seem so 'certain.' I'm not going to pressure people any further right now, but I did warn them we might need a new plan.


We arrived... at a ghost town. Its not even really a town. There are a few established buildings, but its obvious people were still living in tents. Oh, and we have bodies.

Laura started having a panic attack. Everyone sort of watched her, dumb struck. I ran over, sat her down, and gave her the biggest pile of hopeful bullshit I could come up with on the spot. The performance would have made countless thespians proud... and we're still fucked.

Actually, no, that's not the right way to put this. There's blood that can be leeched from this rock, we just need to find it. We *have* to find it.

Before anyone else had a chance to really think about the situation, I immediately started forming a task list. We need to breath life back into this place.

The mech engineers are examining the tower. The doctors are assessing the medical supplies. There's a green house, so I sent the biologists to check that building out.

Our 'sort of' headquarters is what appears to be a workshop. The meteorological engineers are going through blueprints.

Our two scouts are checking out the surrounding area.

I gathered books from each of the tents. A few of these are probably journals, which might help me piece together what happened.

The nice part is the buildings at least have basic space heaters, which also appear to power lighting. Its all coal based. There isn't much of that here. I can only imagine how much they needed to run the spire. There's only a few days worth, assuming we just run the workshop's generator.


I read some of the journal entries, and got flashes of anger and nausea. Then I went out to help move the bodies to a 'disposal' area.

The original settlers picked this location because the mountains divert most of the harsh winds and snow coming from the north. However, since the closest military port is also in the north, that was the only port authorized to receive steam core shipments.

There aren't any device-independent steam cores here, and there's no contact with the northern port. The weather blocked land transportation. The steam cores meant for this place could be anywhere in that region.

Why didn't they just have everything come through the same port!?

The mech engineers reported that aside from being iced up, the spire is otherwise undamaged. There aren't enough people here to actually clear the ice though. We need the people from the other refugee group.

Light's RageМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя