Background ~ Soulmates p2

Start from the beginning

'You want to know what I am.' You whispered. Paul didn't say anything. 'Wanna know?'

'Kind of.' He said. You just stared straight forward.

'Yeah, so do I.' You sighed.

'What do you mean?' You turned your head to look at Paul. His eyes, so large and warm, welcomed you.

'I mean that even I don't know where I come from, Paul.' You clarified. He frowned. You sighed and looked ahead once more. 'Once, a few years ago, when Vladimir Harkonnen was still here, people came from a planet. A husband, a wife, and a newborn baby. However when they entered the atmosphere, the moons messed with the gages and the GPS system jammed up, sending the ship in another direction. The husband couldn't land the ship without the proper materials, and soon it ran out of fuel. They crashed in a bed of rocks.'

You glanced at the ground, fiddling with your fingers.

'They didn't know much about Arrakis, but they knew not to venture out into the desert during the day, and that sand worms are attracted to rhythmic noises.' Sighing, you carried on. 'So they stayed with the ship, sleeping during the day and scavenging during the night. Soon, the food and water was getting low. The husband knew that he should protect the baby and his wife. So he decided to try to find someone, anyone to help them. He ventured off into the desert with three days worth of food... he made it one day out before something happened. His wife, who was with the baby at the crash site, saw a trail of dust rushing in his direction. She knew that was the end of him.'

'He died, leaving his wife and baby alone.' You swallowed dryly. 'The rations for the wife were fast to run out. She knew her end was close. She gave the baby one last feed until it was completely full, put the baby in it's nicest closed, placed it in the cot, told it that she loved it so much, gave it one last kiss on the head, played it's sleep music... and... she walked into the desert. Rythmicly. Fast death, she probably figured that it was better than a slow death for her and hoped that maybe, just maybe, the Fremen would come and rescue her baby. Because it's such an infant and it can't harm anyone.'

'What happened to the baby?' Paul asked.

'Well, the Fremen waited two days before venturing into the ship. It turns out they didn't know the ship was there until two days before the wife died.' You explained. 'They searched the ship, no identification or world information. They also found the baby. Brought it back with them. They discovered it was a girl and called her... well... Y/n.' You chuckled. 'They had no idea where the baby, me, came from or what I am. At first they thought I was a person, but when I turned five, these started to show up.'

You pulled off your gloves to expose the blue pattern. 'At first on my hands, then my arm,' you rolled your sleeve up to show a pattern on your elbow, 'then my ankle, my entire left thigh and then right shoulder blade, finally my forehead. It all happened so fast.'

'So you're covered in these things.' Paul's fingers traced over your pattern, leaving goosebumps in its wake.

'Yeah, but that's not the scariest part.' You went on. 'My eyes suddenly turned green on my birthday, from dull grey to a glowing green. And wherever I went the dust would rise, and settle. I also have some freaky sand-power shit.'

'What?' Paul laughed softly.

'Check it.' You lifted your hand, palm pointing to the ground, as you did so, a thin layer of sand levitated off everything.

'Woah...' Paul was astounded.

'Yep. And this.' You slowly moved your hand around in circles, and so did the sand, just above everyone's heads.

'That's incredible.' Paul was in awe. 'How can you do that?'

'No idea,' you shrugged, 'like I said, this sand-power shit came along with my eyes.' You put the sand back on the ground by lowering your hand. Glancing at Paul, you saw his eyes were trained on you.

'What?' You asked.

'You're amazing.' Paul said.

'Thanks.' You laughed.

'No really, you've got this cool power, you're strong, you're... beautiful.' Paul whispered.

'Paul... I...' You didn't know what to say, your heart throbbed with affection for him. Paul then proceeded to take your heart out of your chest completely. He leaned forward, hesitating as his lips brushed against yours as though thinking he shouldn't do this.

'Fuck it.' You mumbled. You grabbed the collar of his stillsuit and closed the gap between you two. His lips fit into yours like the perfect puzzle, they were chapped, yes, but soft. The motion moved faster until it turned into a heated make out session, his tongue exploring your mouth. Gentle moans came from deep in your throat. Paul shifted his position to be closer to you, momentarily parting your lips.

'We shouldn't...' you panted, 'we shouldn't do this.' Paul didn't listen, his lips crashed against yours once more, and once again, you fell into a rhythm, both fighting for control.

Suddenly, you heard someone clear their throat. Ripping away from Paul, your face was redder than beetroot and blood as you turned around.

Chani faced you, eyes open.

'What the fuck is that?' She whispered. 'Go to fucking sleep, shitheads.' She groaned and rubbed her eyes. Chani rolled onto her back.

You faced Paul once more, his lips swollen from the kisses.

'We should-' You spoke at the same time Paul said 'Sleeping is-'

'I think-'


'Yeah.' You two talked over each other. You then laid down, facing Chani. You heard Paul lay down next to you, his back brushed against yours. You could feel his body heat radiating off him, but you didn't care.

After a few moments, Chani spoke, very, very softly, but you heard.

'So Paul, huh?' She whispered.

'I guess, yeah.' You replied. Chani rolled her head so it was facing you.

'You like him?' She asked.

'Yeah.' You nodded. 'A lot.'

'Enough to see a future?'

'Chani, it's been a few months-'

'I knew who I was going to spend the rest of my life with the day I met him.' Chani interrupted.

You paused, the past two weeks had been amazing, and you did feel a special connection to Paul. 'I guess... I guess I do.'

Chani's eyes widened as though she'd just witnessed a miracle.

'What? Chani, what!?' You whispered harshly.

'Your eyes...' She whispered.

'What about them?'

'They're purple now.' She replied.

'WHAT!?' You said, probably too loudly. You heard someone stir.

'I think it's something to do with admitting you like Paul,' she explained, 'maybe a 'soulmate' thing?'

'No way, no way.' You shook your head. 'Not happening... soulmates?'

'Dunno.' Chani shrugged. 'Let's talk about it later, I'm tired.'

'Wow thanks, Chan.'

'No problem, Y/n/n.' She mumbled as she rolled over so her back was facing you. A second passed and you felt Paul roll over. His chest pressed against your back, you felt his hair tickle the back of your neck. He sighed with content as he wrapped his arm around your hand.

'I like that.' He mumbled. 'Soulmates.'


I hope you guys enjoyed! Feel free to tell me what you think, suggest a one-shot idea and follow for more like this! <3

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