🌴💦The Lifeguard 💦🌴

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Name: " Oh, Hello there! My names Taylor! Nice to meet you. " Taylor Creek

Nickname; " Oh some people call me a Shark 'cause of my sharp teeth and love for the water, Haha! I can't blame 'em! " Shark boy, Aylor [ not really a nickname, but it's what his younger brother calls him since he can't pronounce his 'T's right. ], And Tay

Age: " I'm 24 years old! I'm not an old man yet! " 24

Birthday; " Oh? Well March 3rd! What'cha planning on gettin' me? " March 3rd

Zodiac sign; " I'm a Pisces! How ironic that I get the fish eh? Can't complain though! "

Gender: " Oh? Well I'm currently shirtless so you decided! I'm just messing with ya' I'm a dude. " Male

Pronouns: " Oh He/him They/Them are the ones I prefer, But she/her is fine! "

Sexuality: " Ahaha.. Well, I'm a lot more attracted to dudes then chicks.. " Homosexual

Species: " A shark of course, what else would I be? " Human [ Still trying to prove he's secretly a Shark </3 /j ]

Powers; " Some people say I can breath underwater! Turns out I just trained for a couple of years to adjust my body to the water. " None

Appearance: " Oh? Did salt water get in your eyes? Oh poor thing.. Here!, let me help you and get a rag.. come with me, I'll help ya' out! "

Extra features: He has Dimples, a birthmark on his arm and back, likes to wear makeup sometimes [ but only when he's not going to the beach or pool to swim, since he doesn't want it getting ruined ], and a few stretch marks on his hips [ He was or...

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Extra features: He has Dimples, a birthmark on his arm and back, likes to wear makeup sometimes [ but only when he's not going to the beach or pool to swim, since he doesn't want it getting ruined ], and a few stretch marks on his hips [ He was originally a rather chubby kid, but he decided to work out a lot and diet so make himself more fit so life guarding\Surfing/swimming would be a lot easier. ]

Tattoos: One on the back of his neck in the shape of a seashell

Piercings: an ear piercing, tongue piercing, and a belly button piercing.

Height: " Oh, I'm six foot four! Surprisingly I'm one of the shorter life guards here! The rest do the team are literal beanstalks! Like they're huge!.. Don't.. don't take out of context yeah? Alright.. ahem.. So- "

Personality: " I'd like to think of myself as energetic! " Taylor is a ball of energy and positivity. He tends to almost always have a smile on his face and constantly looks like he's enjoying life to its fullest, and acts like it too. Taylor is always taking risk, sometimes putting his life in danger just for the thrill and feeling of adrenaline running through his veins. Of course he wouldn't do anything to drastic, just normal stuff adrenalin junkies do, like skydiving or surfing along side sharks in a ginormous wave. Anyways, Even though Taylor constantly looks happy doesn't always mean he is, but even when he's sad he tries to put a positive spin on life, which is why so many look up to him, like his younger brother, or team mates. He tends to be a leader when there's no one else to take charge, he's also extremely loyal and will guard his friends or family with his life. Speaking of his family, Taylor's a huge family man and loves his brother dearly, so if you don't get along with his brother then you won't get along with him. And as you know, Taylor loves the beach almost as much as he loves his family, if he's even missing you can always find him at the beach. But he would take as drastic measures into his love life as he does for his family, so if he's partner doesn't know how to swim, he'll be more then happy to teach them, or have them cheer on from the sidelines, and if they're extremely afraid of water to the point where they can't even stand being near the ocean, He'll never touch water again. He's loyalty goes beyond bounds, sometimes a little to far, but never far enough that Taylor can't make everything right again.

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